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What am I supposed to think?

I just woke up, and I've been laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, quite confused.

I was sure I saw him prepare to kill me.

But why didn't he?

I don't know...

All of the fear is gone now, though. Only curiosity remains. I should be afraid of him. But I'm not.

I like him.

I really, really like him.

But I do.

I close my eyes, sighing. I don't know what to think, or how to feel. I mean, I do, I should be terrified. But I'm not.

I trust him.

The thought alone scares me. I trust him. His title is The Traitor.

I need to get it together.

I need to stop liking him.

But there it is again. That feeling. Why am I so attracted to him? I just... I can't even. I just. Can't.

But that doesn't make sense.

My alarm finally buzzes, reminding me to get up. Strange, I've been waking up before it recently, lying in bed and just thinking.

I throw my blankets off, turning off the alarm. I sit up and stretch, prepared for another day and trying to decide whether to spend it with Asher or Logan, Mark, and Roy.

I want to spend it with Logan, Mark, and Roy.

Who am I kidding?

I want to spend it with Logan.

So, naturally, I get ready to meet Asher.

About twenty minutes later, I'm sitting in the conference room with 'Brain1'.

"So, the Resistance has contacted us," he was saying. "Wait, the Resistance? As in, the leaders?" I listen up now.
"Leader, actually. Her name is Sara, she runs the operation."

Sara. I've heard that before.

Oh, right! She was that woman in the news! If I remember correctly, she is married, and has one kid. And she was a billionaire. The news was doing a story on good role models. She was pretty, too, although her blonde hair was streaked with gray, she had wonderful eyes. They were gray, too, but very beautiful.

"So, you know of her? That's good. She's worried about your safety. Agent Lyons has always been one of her favorite agents, seeing as he's very efficient and all, and she wants to be sure you're safe. I'm afraid she's assigning you a bodyguard," he smiled a little.

A bodyguard.

That takes a moment to process.

"Wait... So... A guy to follow me around and... Protect me," I ask, still processing the information.

"Yes. From the assassin."
"From... Logan?"
"The assassin. Yes."

Wait, I won't be able to see Logan anymore if they do this! "No! I don't want a bodyguard!" I stand up, looking around for some reason.

"I'm sorry, no changing it now. He's already here," Asher sighs a little as a guy comes in.

And I sit back down.

I recognize him.

That's Roy. We're all good.

He smiles a little, then playing the part and walking to stand beside me. "This is Mr. Jess, your bodyguard. You have the day off today. Now, go," Asher watches him, trying not to look intimidated. I stand up, somewhat slowly, before briskly walking out.

I walk on, out of the Thesis, out of the newspaper shop, onto the street, and into the forest. When I turn around, I find that Roy kept up. "So. You're my bodyguard," I look at him. I came all the way out here for hopes the people from the Thesis wouldn't be able to listen to us. "Yep. Thank Logan. It was his idea. But Mark was the one who have the information to know they needed one. You don't know much about him, you know," he smiled. He always smiles. "Well, I know even less about you," I return the smile, might as well. "Well, yeah," he pretends to flop his hair, "because you never talk to me, gurl!"

How could I not laugh at that?

Logan and Mark are so serious, maybe I should hang out with Roy some. He definitely helps distract me from the constant thoughts of Logan.

"Alright, I'm talking to you now," I laugh, it's nice to actually be laughing, honestly. "Well that's good. Now maybe we can actually be friends and you'll stop thinking Logan is the bestest and Mark is the coolest," he smiles, and I laugh again. "You wanna go see Logan and Mark? They're that way," he smiles, pointing, and I realize that I have to try hard not to seem overly excited as he leads me further into the forest.

We end up in a clearing, Mark and Logan just sitting around. They're talking, and I promise I heard my name before they closed their mouths when I walked up. I sat down in front of them, honestly closer to Logan than Mark, and Roy fills that space.

I'm sitting with three guys.


Mark looks at Logan expectantly, and Logan becomes uncomfortable as Roy looks from face to face, clearly not in on... Whatever Mark is giving Logan that face for.

Mark raises an eyebrow at Logan, then stands up and beckons for Roy to follow him, leading him off into the woods.

Leaving me with Logan.

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