An Unknown Alliance

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I pace around the office I was given, which was, for now, spotless aside from the small amount of organized files concerning my assignment and the neat little name tag on my desk reading, "Agent O. Lyons." I am known as "the girl doomed to the master" behind my back, but it's not like I don't notice. I now attend meetings with other agents, and am considered as one of the true agent, employed and paid, but I'm not really paid. "Logan" is around here a lot, but I try and avoid him because he stirs up my emotions so much. My thoughts constantly spin and whirl, a few weeks have passed since I've come here, and I haven't been allowed to leave yet. My train of thought is interrupted by my office phone ringing. I briskly stride over to it, answering it with my code name. "16 here," I greet coolly. "This is Brain1," that would be Ashton, ahem, Asher. "I copy, what is it," sometimes I feel like we need walkie-talkies, not phones. "Freebird has an assignment for you. He wants to see you in the Den," ok, so Michael wants to see me in the conference room. "Whatever, I'll head over, see ya Brain1," I sigh, with a hint of sarcasm on his code name. "If I've told you once, I've told you 1,000 times, the codes are necessary," he assures me before I hang up. I don't want another speech from anyone.

I grab my computer and some of the more recent files and head down to the conference room. I know my why around now; the place really isn't that big once you've stayed here a few days. "Hey," Michael greeted me when I walked into the extensive room that cold hold every agent in the Thesis. "What do you want?" I smile, it seems rude, but that's how we talk to each other; short and sweet. He just rolls his eyes. "We have more info for you. There haven't been anymore assassinations recently that would be by him, but we did notice some strange activity. When he's given a job, he completes it, and fast, but not before straying off track. We want you to check that out," he says. "How?" I ask, plopping down in a chair. "Follow him, genius, can you not take a hint?" he says, packing his stuff up. "Follow him?! Isn't that kinda creepy?" I jump up. "Nah, just stalkerish," Michael smiles before walking out of the room, leaving me to face-palm.

Later, I stand by the entrance, pretending to be writing. When Logan walks past, I wait a moment before standing and following him. This is the first time I've been allowed outside without a guard, so the wind and fresh air pump adrenaline through my veins, making it hard to remain quiet and stealthy. I keep him barely in sight, following for what seems like forever. We leave the town, enter a forest, and continue to walk until he enters a clearing. I sit behind a bush, waiting to see why he's here. A moment later, another man appears. He has solid black hair, only a few white hairs reveal his age. His eyes are brown, but seem to be a reddish brown. Absolutely nothing weird about that, right? Logan nods to the man, who strides over as though he has authority. "Logan. How's your assignment going?" he asks in a deep, menacing voice. "Haven't made mush progress..." Logan mumbles. "Not much PROGRESS?" the man roared, his anger flaring up in an unstable instant, causing Logan to flinch. "No, but I don't want to rush it," Logan looked at a tree just beyond the man, avoiding eye contact. "Yes, bid your time. But we don't have time, Logan. Work harder," he commands, his voice full of authority. "I always do my best. You know this," Logan says, looking back at the man. "I did your bidding on the mass murder, but this one is different. Give me the time that I know you have to offer. Please," Logan said. The man nodded. "Alright. Do it your way. But don't mess up," the man said, turning to leave. Logan tensed, reaching for his sword, but stopped as the man disappeared into the bushes.

Suddenly, Logan turned towards me. I turned to leave, hoping he hadn't seen me, but too late. Someone grabbed my arm, pulling me into the open and placing a sword at my throat. "Logan," I choked out, the cold blade threatening to cut her throat. I felt him relax, and he removed the sword. "Sorry," he mumbled. I simply nodded, rubbing my throat. What does he mean sorry? He almost killed me! Suddenly he tensed again. "How much did you hear?" he suddenly asks, his voice urgent. I shake my head. "All of it," I say quietly. There is no point in trying to lie to this killing machine, because he is a killing machine. He shakes his head, looking off. "He'll kill me," he mutters. "Who?" I ask, looking at him curiously. He looks at me, as though sizing me up. "Nathan," he says after a moment. "Nathan will kill me if he finds out. Now let's go back. You can't speak of this to anyone. You hear me? Anyone. Or I will personally take care of you and the person or people you told, and that is unnecessary, don't you think? So let's get going," he gets up, leading the way back. My heart beating wildly because of his presence, I fall over the first time I get up, but he catches me, helping me up. My heart simply flies out of my chest. What is wrong with me?

We get back to the Thesis. I've already decided to tell Michael that he spotted me, and that I hadn't been able to find anything. If he tells me to go again, I'll just tell Logan. Problem solved, right?

Nah. No way.

I followed him again. Because I wanted to.

He has a much bigger problem with this 'Nathan' guy.

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