The Master Assassin

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I woke up in an upright position on the chair I had been sitting on. Great. Now I'm sore. I sat up and stretched, and found my dad on the phone again, with his back facing me. "No, I haven't offered yet; she blacked out when I told her about her info, but I intend to ask her when she wakes up," he was saying.

I felt rude eavesdropping, so I cleared my throat and stood up. "Where are the bathrooms?" I asked stiffly. My dad turned around and pointed left, third door, he told me. I strode out of the room, eager to be free.

Waking on the balcony, I was jostled by the many people hustling around. I stayed near the wall, counting the doors, which were sadly spread far apart. Suddenly I ran straight into someone, who was looking at at a map on the wall. I jumped backwards, nearly stepping on someone's toe. "I'm sorry, I-I wasn't paying attention," I stammered. "It's fine; I was in your way," he said. He had a deep voice. He was wearing a hooded jacket and dark clothes, like a ninja, but lots of people around here do; they probably are ninjas. All that I could really see we're his deep green eyes. He seemed young. "Are you...looking for something?" I asked timidly. "Yeah, Agent Lyon's office," he said looking back at the map. "Oh!" I exclaimed. "I know where it is! Second door that way!" I told him, not believing that I had been helpful. He smiled, I could tell by his eyes he was smiling, and he said, "Thanks," and he walked past me. My heart fluttered. But I fall hard for like every guy I meet. Hopeless romantic-ism.

I went to the bathroom and then hurried off to my dad's office. Part of me wished the guy would be there, but I mean, c'mon. Really. I opened the door, and found my dad standing, pointing a gun across the room. I looked over, startled, and discovered the very man I'd sent here on the other side of the room, playing with a dagger.

I froze. Right there in the doorway, I froze.

The man turned to look at me, and I see his face fully.

His green eyes. Dark brown hair. I notice his muscular build. And the sword sheath hanging at his side.

And I prepare.

Because standing in front of me is The Master Assassin.

And he is going to kill me.

...Another short chapter. But it's the SECOND one this week. So yeah. Well. Ok. Ttyl.

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