Deepest Secret

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Roy flips the lights on, and Mark lays back on the ground. "What. Was. That?" he shakes his head. Roy jumps up and down. "It was Logan! He was... Or well, will be alive!!!"

"Roy," Mark sits up and puts his head in his hands. "That's a maybe. I've been wrong before."

The way he says it, I guess that's not a good thing.

"But it's possible! What if... Are we sure he died in the first place?" Roy's all excited now.

"Yes, I am one hundred percent sure he- wait a second," Mark looked up, focusing on the wall beyond Roy. "Mhm?" Roy finally sat back down.

I'm so lost right now.

"Lissa," Mark says simply, then looks at Roy like that's the answer to life. Roy's eyes simply widen and he stares at Mark. "Do you really think?" Roy raised an eyebrow.

I am really lost now.

"Lissa?" I look between the two of then. "Look, give us a minute to talk please. Go talk to people out there or something," Marks looks at me.

I'm disappointed he won't let me stay, but I get it. So I go back out to the main room. Everyone is still in there, a few people chatting quietly.

And, since I know almost everyone, I go to talk to the person I know the least, September. It was either him or Link, and Link is kinda... Uhh... More intimidating.

Anyway, I go to talk to September. "So, you're bilingual?" I smile, proud of myself for using a big word and sounding smart. "Yeah, I know every language there is. I can talk to anyone or any living and moving thing," he smiles back. "So you're the girl Logan liked?" he tilted his head a little. It was good natured, but still took me off guard. I fell silent for once. "Is it true that Nathan and Polar really killed him? I mean, I find it kind of hard to believe that his dad and brother would do that."

Hold up. Backtrack. What did he just say?

Nathan and Prince Polar... Dad and brother...

They're related?!?

"SEPTEMBER!" I hear from the other room, and Roy runs in, slapping a hand over September's mouth. Everyone stares at me.

He's... They're... He's... I can't... I can't even...

Clearly that message was sent out, as Mark came in and walked over to me, grabbing my arm and dragging me into the other room.

"He's... They're... Family?" I stammer. I hear Roy start to yell at September in the other room. "Yes. Nathan is Logan's father, and Prince Polar is his brother," Mark said with disgust, especially at Prince Polar. I hear the yelling stop and Roy slips into the room. "He didn't want to tell you. He wanted to tell you himself if you ever found out at all," Mark continued, his voice softer.

I can't handle this right now.

I can't. I can't even. I just can't.

But yet I want to know more...

"He also had a younger brother, his name was Gervaise," Roy added softly. "But Prince Polar killed him, too."

"And his mom was the best person I'd ever known... She was killed when she was pregnant, actually. With the youngest member of the family. Well, they never met him or her..." Mark looked past me, lost in thought.

"Nathan wasn't always a bad person..." Roy said softly, but Mark took up the conversation. "There's more, but I think we've already overloaded your brain," he says quietly, focusing back on me.

I nod. It's true. My head hurts, and not because I hit it on a rock...

After Logan kissed me...

Before he died...

I feel like my insides are crumbling. For some reason, I feel like it's partially my fault. I feel responsible. I shouldn't, but I do.

"Your vision... He was alive..." I say softly. Is it possible he could not be dead?

Why do I care?

He lied to me about his family. Well, he kept it a secret. But that would've definitely effected the way I felt... Then. It doesn't now.

Now I just feel guilty. And alone. Like there's no one I can trust.

I'm away from my sister, I don't trust my dad, and all these people around me... I'm not really sure how I feel about them.

"Olivia, let's talk tomorrow, you need sleep," I hear Roy's voice, but I'm already about to just pass out. Too much thinking. Too much shock. Too much life.

I feel one of them pick me up, and a minute later my head touches my pillow, and I go out cold.
Sorry for the somewhat short chapter! School just started back, so updates may be more scarce. I'll try to at least update every weekend. Ok? Ok.

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