The Future

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I wake up.

My head is pounding.

I open my eyes.

I'm indoors.

I thought I fell outdoors...?

"She's awake!"
"Roy, shhh, she just woke up!"
"Woops, sorry."

Roy's head pops up into my range of vision. "Hey-o, sleeping beauty," he smiles. I simply groan. My head hurts.

"Roy, leave her alone," I see Mark grab his shoulder and pull him away. "Just go back to sleep," his face swims into view. I can tell I'm about to pass out again.

"Logan?" I mutter, it's barely distinguishable, but I get my answer from Mark's expression.

He's gone.


I wake up again. I feel a lot better, I wonder how much time has passed.

I sit up and look around. My head feels fine, and no one is in here.

So I get up out of be and look outside the door. There's people downstairs.


I still don't know where I am.

I go to open the door, but it squeaks.


The voices hush. I don't know who they are or where I am... This could be bad. This could be very bad.

And then I hear someone coming up the stairs. They're old and creaky... It reminds me of home. But I push that thought out of my mind.

And then Mark appears at the top of the stairs. "About time you woke up," he shrugs, walking back down the stairs.

"Great to see you, too!" I call down, which is met with laughter from other people. At least six or seven other people.

Do I even know six or seven other people?

Mark's here. I trust Mark. I'm not sure if that's a good thing, but I do. Logan trusted him.


The full impact hits me then.

He's gone... He's dead... He's never coming back...

And he kissed me...

He's gone... I never even got to know the real him...

The sadness overcomes me, I'm a happy person, but I can tell that this feeling is depression.

I slowly begin to walk downstairs, not because my head hurts or I'm scared of what I'll find, but because I just... I can't even... He's gone. Forever. There's no getting someone back from the dead.

As I round the corner, I find myself in an unfamiliar living room full of... well, full of guys. Mark, Roy, Asher, Michael, GreenLeaf, Link, and another guy I don't know. He's pretty young, he's got carrot orange hair and brown eyes. No freckles though, and he seems a lot more somber than Roy.

I look around, and my head begins to hurt again. This is a lot of information to process.

The guy I don't know walks up to me. "Buenos días , soy Septiembre," he smiled warmly.

Wait. What?

Roy walks over and smacks him on the back of the head. "Hey, compadre, she no speak espanol," he laughs, "English, September."

Now I'm even more confused. Like... what even...?

"Sorry," the guy smiles embarrassedly. "I said, 'Good morning, I'm September."

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