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So, now I'm sitting in the driver seat of the truck.

That's fine... I've driven it before.

But Mark is sitting in the passenger seat.

And that's kinda distracting.

"So, Roy taught you a little. He told me about it. He said you have potential," he began talking as I started driving back to the Thesis.

This better not be a lecture.

"Now, you still sticking with the sword?"

Ok, good, this is interactive. Maybe I'll be able to stay awake.

"Yeah, but I also want to learn to shoot a bow," I say. I've always wanted to use a bow-and-arrow, I don't know why. Maybe I played too much Legend of Zelda when I was younger.

He simply nodded. "I'll tell Logan, he's the one who can shoot a target. With a bow, that is. Roy's the best with swords, while I'm the best with a gun. We're all alright with swords, Roy is just best." I nod a little. "You can shoot a gun?" I ask. Then a memory popped into my head. The last time I had seen a gun was also the first time I saw Logan, because he had revealed himself and my dad was pointing a gun at him.

Here come the butterflies.

Butterflies. Are. Annoying.

Something tells me I need to get rid of that connection between Logan and guns, or it'll come back to bite me.

Apperently, Mark had been talking the whole time I was daydreaming.


"...even though he was a master of explosives, not guns," he was saying, and I guess he saw the blank look on my face when he glanced over, because he laughed, which was an unexpected sound from him. I don't know, he just doesn't seem the laughing type.

"I lost you at Logan," he stated as a fact, not a question, and I nodded, because it was true.

Wait a second.

I'm that obvious?!

And I just admitted it?!?

I'm sure I turned tomato red in that moment, because Mark laughed again. "I don't know how on earth you're a spy," he smiled, calming down," But really, you need to work on secrets. Hasn't Ashton offered to train you yet?"

Being my slow self, It took me about five seconds to register that Ashton was in fact Asher, because it was his full name. "Oh, uh, no, not yet," I manage before too much time had passed. Mark shook his head and laughed again. "What? What is it?" I know I'm red now, because my cheeks are burning.

I can't decide whether or not I like being with Mark.

"Olivia," he paused to laugh again. "Since you clearly haven't figured it out yourself, I can read your mind."

Hold on. What?

He can... He has telepathy?!?

"Yeah, I do."

Now he's just creeping me out. That's just creepy.

"Isn't it?"

Wait.... are you reading my mind and responding?

"Yes, yes I am."

Stop it then!


A moment of silence passed. It was mostly awkward for me, but I could tell he was trying not to laugh.

I'm kinda afraid to think now.

"Then talk out loud instead of thinking."

"STOP IT!" I practically scream, almost swerving off the road.

Now I'm just frustrated.

Can't my thoughts be private?

I bet he's reading these right now.

Are you Mark? Are you?

I see him nod out of the corner of my eye.

That's it.

I've had enough.

I stomp on the brakes, pulling over on the side of the road and unlocking the doors. "Get out," I say without looking at him. He simply raisses an eyebrow, opening his door and hoping out.

I have a moment of hesitation, do I really have the will to leave him here on the side of the road?

"That's for you to answer," I hear him mumble.

Yeah, I do. I can definetly leave him here.

He closes his door, stepping off the road. I gas up the truck, pulling away.

I glance in my rear-view mirror, second thoughts again.

But he's not there.

He dissapeared.

I still don't know if he's a friend or not...

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