The Resistance

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"The Resistance? As in, the people who resist the government?" I stammered. How could my own father be part of that and never tell us?! "Yes, that's the group. Now stay close, and I'll explain when we get to my office. The pod jolted into action and started sailing downwards.

"Just stay quiet and hopefully no one will stop us before I can register you with the boss," he says as we walk through a crowd in, from what I can see, a huge, circular, metal, underground room.

As the crowd thins, I realize that we are on a sort of wrap around balcony. Many staircases lead down to the base floor, where plenty of computers and phones are located. People hustle and there's a continuous sound of phones ringing and fax machines buzzing. There's a steady hum of chatter and never faulting pounding footsteps around us and on the balconies above us.

My father leads me up some flights of steps, and we make it to his office without being stopped.

I think we are on the third floor. His office is a small, dark room with a desk in one corner, filing cabinets in another, and tons of stacks of paper in the third one. The fourth corner was sloppily uncluttered, and my dad rolled a chair over to it.

"I'm gonna call the boss. We'll see if we can get you in," he says as he walks over to his desk.

I rub my wrist; he had been holding it tightly. I rigidly walk over to the chair and sit down. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to think. I don't know what to feel. Do I know anything about this man who calls himself my father? Is the name he told us he has his real name? Does mom even know about this?!?

My mind went numb when my father said my name. "Yes, her name is Olivia, and I'd like to register her as an agent in the spy realm"

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