All Wrong

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'This has been happening too much lately," I mumble as my eyes flicker open, in the same room as always.

I can hear the boys downstairs, the occasional word that passes between them.

And then it hits me all over again, Logan died, Nathan and Prince Polar are his family, he could be alive, but he's dead and...

My head is going to explode at this rate...

I really, really don't want to get up, but I have to, so I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand up.

I'm not sure how much time has passed, but I'm pretty sure I've been wearing these clothes for a while.

And the guys could've at least taken my shoes off after I fell asleep.

I stretch, heading downstairs. The environment is much more tense now, less... I don't know, sad. More angry and frustrated.

Everyone looks up as I come downstairs, and for a moment I feel like Cinderella until most everyone quickly looses interest, turning and going back to what they were doing.

No one says anything, which only puts a dent in my fine mood, bringing it down. I had been in a perfectly fine mood, better than any of these other days, but nope. Couldn't last long, could it?

I feel myself slipping back down into depression. Logan is dead.

Logan is dead.

Logan is dead.

I should probably stop reminding myself; it's not helping.

Finally, Mark stands up. "Alright, Olivia's awake," his announcement falls on deaf ears; no one moves.

Remind me never to do that to Mark, okay?

"OLIVIA IS AWAKE, YOU GUYS!" his voice was inhumanly loud, I could've promised I felt the ground shake.

Everyone looked up now, he's got out attention.

"Olivia is awake. That means it's time to reveal what we now know," Mark's voice returned to normal, as he looked around at everyone.

"We all know what's happened. Logan was killed, as revealed by September," he gave a sharp glanced to the named, "by his father and brother, Nathan and Prince Polar. This is... Outrageous. We all know I'm furious, as is Roy."

Well, Roy looks furious, but Mark... Not so much. He looks calm and collected.

It then occurs to me that I've been knocked out for a while.

Maybe he went berserk while I was asleep.

"Now, you all know I have powers. If you didn't, you know now. I can see the past, present, and occasionally future. And that we did.

"We looked into the past, we were sure Logan died. There was no doubt.

"And then, I got a rare glance into the future.

"Logan was alive. And Roy and I think we know why."

He paused, looking around at stunned faces. Either he'd nicely waited until I woke up to break the news, or they were all very good actors.

I'm leaning towards the latter until I remember GreenLeaf is here. He can't act for his life, based on what I've heard about him. And right now he looks utterly shocked.

"Olivia, I need to talk to you," he looks at me. "Roy can explain the rest to them. I want to explain it to you, personally, in case you... I don't know, black out again," he shrugs, turning and walking into the back room.

And then something happens I'd never expected.

My heart fluttered.

At being alone with Mark.

I followed him, feeling my cheeks burn at the moment of happiness at the idea.

Even though the moment is still upon me.

I walk into the room, finding him sitting down on the floor, like he had before.

His black hair fell into his face, but he pushes it away, looking at me.

I cross the room to sit in front of him, looking into his eyes.

My heart needs to settle itself down.

Mark studies my face. Then, an expression of realization passes over it.

I totally forgot he could read my mind.

"Olivia," he sighs, breaking eye contact, running his fingers through his hair.

I'm sure my entire face is bright red as I look at the ground, at least Logan couldn't see right into my mind, know all the things I was thinking. Mark could.

"Olivia, no," he looked back at me, "no, no, no. Can't you see?"

I stare at him blankly. I can't "see".

"Oh, fine. I'll show you then."

My mind flies a hundred places at a hundred miles per hour as he takes a deep breath, and in one swift move, places his lips on mine.

What I expected to be warm, romantic, gentle, perfect... Isn't...

He's cold, like, unnaturally cold.

It's wrong. Kissing him is all wrong.

This is Logan's best friend.


My eyes fly open, and he must sense it, because he pulls away, sitting back, pushing his hair out of his face again.




I can see now.

It's all wrong.

Very, very wrong.

Liking him.

Kissing him.




"See?" he asked, almost gently. But now I know. He's not gentle. He's not romantic. He's not warm.

He's stone cold, and can do nothing about it.

Of course I should've known that. Every time I've been around him, it's been cold. I've never noticed.

"Yes... I... I see now," I'm burning red now, not a blush, but an extreme embarrassment.

"Never again?"
"Never again."
"I'm sorry, Olivia."
"Don't be..."
"No, but I am."
"Why? Why are you...."
"Cold? Well, that's not a story for now. This never happened?"
"This never happened."

I AM SO SORRY!!!! Life is hectic right now, I literally have no time at all. I'm sorry NeeNee, for like, not texting or calling, but about this past month has been jam packed full of junk. I only have school until Wednesday, and then it'll be summer. The beginning of summer will be pretty busy, with a million friends coming over, but I should be able to get back to updating.

I really hope you guys like this chapter, I know a lot of you liked Mark, and I just thought this chapter was essential. ( don't worry, Mark has always been my fav character. Sorry NeeNee and Olivia lol ) I'll try to update twice in the next week, if I have time. I can't even express how bad I feel. I love you all, thank you SO MUCH for reading my book. Leave a like or comment, please!

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