Chapter 21

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Apologizing for late update... due to new job... I couldn't update so far... and post corona recovery is somehow tragic too...
Hope u can understand...

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Jodha woke up yelling "Jalal.." She looked around the room and found Suraj packing bags...She quickly got up and snatched her clothes from Suraj's hand...

What are you doing?

Suraj: Packing..we are leaving tonight...

Jodha: I am not going

Suraj: Yes you are. I spoke with your dad and he will be receiving us from the airport once we reach Delhi

Jodha: I said I am not going (she yelled and threw all her clothes on the floor)

Suraj: Look at yourself Jodha! Jalal has made you crazy...for the past two years I have been patience with you hoping that one day maybe we would find him but now seeing you like this, I lost all the hope

Jodha (with tears): You maybe lost hope but i haven't. I know what I saw

Suraj: Our flight is in one hour. Go get ready

Jodha: I am not going. You hear me! If you want to go you can go. I don't care

Suraj: Why are you behaving like a little baby...There is nothing here and anyway I have talked with Sameer he will inform us if any lead comes up. Until then, we are going back to Delhi

Jodha: I don't need yours or anyone's help. I will find him myself. He is here somewhere. I know it (she turns around and walks toward the bathroom...she takes out her clothes and draws herself a hot bubble bath. Suraj knocks on the bathroom door asking for her to come out..Jodha totally ignores him. She closes her eyes thinking about Jalal with a smile. She looks at her hand that touched his face..)

"I know you are real Jalal. If you are going to play hide and seek..then so be it...I will find out...I know what I felt and saw..neither you or Suraj can change that fact. I will keep looking for you until my last breath." She closes her eyes and drowns herself with the memories of Jalal.

Suraj sits on the chair fursturated with Jodha. He runs his hand through his hair. He dozes off thinking about all the past events that happened ever since both reached Goa. He gets up from his sleep when he heard a door shut. He quickly gets up and looks around the room. He goes to the bathroom door, quietly knocking on it, after getting no response from inside; he turns the doorknob and was shocked to see the bathroom empty. He comes back outside looks aroung the room, all of Jodha's clothes were gone. He runs to the reception area.

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