Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Jodha sat in her home...she decided to act sick for a while until Jalal leaves...he might still be looking for her and knowing how he is...he would not sit quiet until he finds her..for four years she has been successful in hiding from him and she would not let her efforts go to waste...she sat on the bed remembering her dad...
Flashback: (Her escape)
It has been two years since their marriage...each day his possessiveness went out of control...whenever she would go out for any small needs for home she would always come back to angry Jalal. She tried her level best to keep Jalal happy but he never understood her pain. She always did what he asked her to do no matter what and in return all she asked was for little happiness..Whenever Jalal isn't here..he made sure that there were security guards keeping an eye on her and giving the information to him. She felt like a prisoner in her own house. Even though he isn't here physically...just the thought of him makes her shiver in fear. She looks at her arms with bruises that were fading away..she wished to fade away from this life as well. She sits on the bed hugging her knees silently crying...her cell phone rings...she knew that it was Jalal calling her to see what she is doing. She hesitantly picks up the phone not wanting to get him mad..
Jodha: hello (trying to sound normal)
Jalal: What are you doing?
Jodha: umm I was about to go to the kitchen to make lunch
Jalal: hmm ok...I miss you...did you miss me?
Jodha: ji
Jalal: I will be home by tonight..I am done with my required meeting and the rest Adi will take care (Jodha closed her eyes) I will see you soon..bye
Jodha: bye (She threw the phone on the floor and cried herself to sleep)
Few hours later Jodha woke up hearing doorbells...she quickly got off the bed thinking it might be Jalal...she opened the door and was shocked to see her father there
Jodha: Papa (she went to him and hugged him felt like eternity since she saw her dad)
Rajiv: how are you?
Jodha: I am good papa...Jalal really takes care of me
Rajiv: Don't lie to me...I know what he does to you (angry)
Jodha: What are you talking about?
Rajiv: Don't you think I know my own daughter? (looks at her arms where the bruises were quiet visible even though it was kind of fading away) I am here now...listen you have to go before Jalal comes back
Jodha (looked at him shocked): What..what are you talking about papa
Rajiv: Listen I can't see you in this state anymore...(Jodha backs up a little looking at her father) I gave up hoping that Jalal will change..I can't take this anymore knowing that my daughter is suffering everyday here...
Jodha: How do you know?
Rajiv: I had asked Nakul to let me know what goes on around here when you didn't come to see me for a didn't even bother to tell your father about this? You have any idea what went through me when I found out what he does to you? (cries) Enough is have to leave..
Jodha: No..I won't do that...Jalal will find me and he will do something to you if he found out that you helped me
Rajiv: Jodha nothing will happen. I will handle everything here...
Jodha: The security guards out there will tell Jalal...
Rajiv: I have taken care of them...listen to me Jodha...we don't have enough time..Jalal will be back soon and it will be too late have to go from here
Jodha (started shaking her head no...) No I won't leave...I am very happy here...and I know you guys are safe as well..I won't leave to put your life in danger
Rajiv: Jodha...just go...if something will happen to me at least I will be glad that you are safe and happy somewhere out there...just go... please..forget me and your friends...go..
Jodha: No...I won't...I won't go...
Rajiv: Jodha beta please have less time to decide before security guard comes here...
Jodha (crying): No..I won't leave you...
Rajiv (holds her hand): as your papa's request please leave...(cries...Jodha hugs her father and cries...) I can't stand these bruises on your body...and I won't rest in peace knowing my daughter is living in hell...come on we have to go...
Jodha: Papa no..I am happy here...(he drags her out of the house...when making sure that it is safe...he tells Jodha to go)
Rajiv: Jodha go don't have much time until Jalal finds out...go I will do whatever I can until then...go!! (He pushed Jodha away from him...Jodha stood there looking at her father with teared eyes...He came and pushed Jodha...she started walking away...looking back at her father for the last time..her eyes were filled with tears...her father waved to her as she walked away)
End Flashback!
Suraj drives to Jodha's house to drop off her medicines and some food for her...
Suraj: Mr. Muhammad..I will be right back..I have to drop this stuff inside to my finance's can come in if you want
Jalal: No you can go in
Suraj: Ok..I will be back in two minutes (he gets out of the car and walks toward Jodha's house...Jalal watched Suraj leave...)
Rajni: (opens the door knowing it might be Suraj): What are you doing here?
Suraj: you told me you are sick so I am dropping these off for are you feeling now?
Rajni: ohh umm little better
Suraj (looks at her carefully): umm you look so tired...(Jalal looks at his watch...he wanted to go back to the hotel and get this over with...he looks at Suraj who was talking to his fiance but her face wasn't visible...he watches Suraj enter the house...when Suraj goes in...he was shocked to see Jodha closing the door...he closes his eyes and opens them again but the door was closed by then.. " mind is playing tricks on me...Jodha is dead")
Inside the house:
Suraj: Rajni you have to take care of your self
Rajni: yeah I know Suraj..thank you..Listen Suraj I need to tell you something important
Suraj: I have to time you can tell me...Jalal Beg Muhammad outside waiting for me (Jodha almost dropped the things from her hand...) I am going to go now...(she smiles slightly) Close the door...
Rajni: ohh umm...could you close the door when you leave..I am going to umm sleep now..
Suraj: ok...(Jalal was watching the house hoping to see Suraj's finance again...the door opened...Suraj walked out of the house...Jalal didn't see the lady again...Suraj came and sat inside the car) Sorry it took so long.
Jalal: Could you drop me back to the hotel..I have some other important work to do
Suraj: Umm sure...(Jalal went straight to his room...the image of Jodha popped into his head)
Jalal (to himself): No...Jodha is dead...I have her mangalsutre...(he orders some scotch and drinks himself away until he could not feel any pain)
Jalal had immediately come home after his security guard notifying him of Jodha missing...he yelled for Jodha...he barged in each room yelling and screaming for her...he called the police commisioner and hired private detectives to look for her... "I won't leave you will pay for leaving me" He went to his security guard...
Jalal: Did anyone come here today?
SG: Nnn nnnoo sir...I was here all day today
Jalal: THAN HOW THE HELL DID SHE GO? (he yelled...) you have three seconds to tell me what exactly happened today or else...
SG (scared for his life): I swear sir I was here all day today...I only left my post when there was an accident about a block away...some people had asked me to help them...when I came inside the house to give Jodha Ma'am something she wasn't home...and that is when I called you
Jalal banged his fist on the glass table..which broke in million pieces..the Security Guard immediately left not wanting to face his anger...he went out to his car and started driving around looking for her...suddenly he stopped the car and made a big U-turn...he parked the car in front of Jodha's house...
Jalal: Jodha!
Rajiv: What is the meaning of this...why are you shouting...(he came down the stairs)
Jalal (looked at him with anger): Where is Jodha!
Rajiv: how would I know...she should be with you
Jalal: she is not...she wasn't home when I got home...
Rajiv: What do you mean she wasn't home? (goes up to Jalal and holds his collar) If anything happens to my daughter I won't leave you Jalal Beg Khuarna
Jalal (Holds his hands and puts it down): As far as I know Jodha would never leave my house without my permission...I know she might have some one's influence on her...if I find out that you may have a hand in her leaving my house than believe me I won't spare you..and I don't make empty threats
Rajiv: The way you have been treating her it would've been enough for her to leave...
Jalal: What I do in my household is none of your business...(he was about to leave when Jalal stopped and turned back to look at him) How do you know what has been going on in my house? You haven't seen Jodha in a while.
Rajiv: You have no right to question me...leave my house right now before I call the police
Jalal: I will find Jodha and when I do that will be the last time you will ever see her...mark my words...(Jalal leaves the house and goes to his car...he calls the police commisioner again having no response from them for now..he hired some security guards and told them to check every hospital, mandir, and told them to keep eye on Jodha's dad...he goes home and starts throwing things was evening now and still no sign of Jodha anywhere)
Jalal (picks up the phone): Better be a good news...(he listened) WHAT! Am coming right now...(Jalal went straight to the police station..he hoped that the news wasn't true...he went to the station..there he saw Jodha's father, Rohit and Meera crying...) Did you find Jodha?
Commissioner: I don't know how to say this to you but
Jalal: Just come out and say it
Commisioner (tells the peon to bring out some materials) Do you recognize these items?
Jalal (looks at the items): yes these belongs to my wife...why are you showing these to me?
Commissioner: I am sorry to say but she is no more...we were notified of an accident...the description you provided of your wife clothing matches the lady we found...
Jalal: NO that can't be...I want to see her
Commisoner: Her face is unrecogniziable...I am sorry...(he hands Jalal the mangalsutre and her sari that she wore)
Jalal: No she can't die...she has to be alive
Rajiv (shouts): SHUT UP! just shut up my daughter is dead only because of killed her...I had brought her up with so much love and care...not once I laid a hand on my daughter or yelled at her...(looks at Jalal with anger and tear filled eyes) But YOU killed my daughter...she used to be so killed my daughter every day with your over possesiveness...she was suffering because of you but you never cared to see her pain...(Jalal walks back a little) you alienated her from everyone because of your made her break her friendship and her every relations she ever had because of your selfish reasons...yet My Jodha accepted your every decision...All she wanted was your love but instead she got your anger...
Jalal: No...I loved her
Rajiv (holds her collar): Love? You call that love? My Jodha loved you..but did you ever love her? She thought that her love would make you change...but she was wrong...locking her up in a house like a prisoner is not love Jalal Beg Muhammad...
Jalal: Jodha is alive
Rajiv: Don't take her name from your mouth...(pushes him back...Rohit and Meera comes in between and takes Rajiv out...) You killed my daughter...You killed are responsible!!! Remember that! You should be in jail!! (he was shouting as they bring him outside of the station)
Jalal goes home..Jodha's father's words rang in his head...he thinks of all the moments of how he treated Jodha...he closes his eyes in pain...he drops to his knees and cries "JODHA!!!!!..come back to me!!!!!"
End Flashback!
Jalal wakes up with a jolt after remembering that dreadful day...he wobbles his way to the phone again and orders more whiskey...he takes out Jodha's mangalsutre...he drinks and drinks until his body was numb..he drops on the bed...looking at Jodha's mangalsutre...
Jalal: goes into deep sleep)
Past: Jodha in Jalal's office

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