Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

I rush with Suraj to the hospital where Jalal is...Suraj wouldn't tell me why Jalal is in the hospital and I don't know if I want to know..I myself don't know why I am even here..I am so matter how badly Jalal treated me I could never think ill of him...I would never want something bad happening to him...I sometimes question myself why? Why wouldn't I want him to suffer the way I did? We stopped in front of a room...I let go of Suraj's hand..I couldn't go in the room...I can't face him...

Suraj goes to the nurse and asks about Jalal..."What! can you even say that...where were you people when he did that!"

Jodha goes up to Suraj..and places a hand on his shoulder.. "Suraj what happend?"

Suraj: Jalal left...

Jodha: "Why was he even in the hospital?" (I don't even know why I asked this question)

Suraj (hesitates): I don't know how to tell you this but

Jodha: Suraj I think I can it...if I could endure so much before then this is nothing to me...tell me what happend?

Suraj: I had received a call in the morning from Jalal's hotel staff saying he hited himself with a belt to a point where he could've died due to the blood loss...after they found my contact number from his wallet they contacted me (Jodha puts her hand on her heart and cries...)

Jodha: Where is he now?

Suraj: I don't know...the staff is saying that he left in the morning without letting anyone know...they don't know where...

Jodha: What do you mean they don't know...(she holds his collar) You have to find him...(Suraj looks at her shocked...he places his hands on top of hers)

Suraj: Rajni...

Jodha (realizes what she did...she lets go of his collar): I am sorry...I want to go home...I can't stay here anymore...I feel suffocated...

Suraj: Sure...let's go...(he puts his arm around her shoulder and leads her out of the hospital...)


Two days later someone knocks on Jodha's house...she opens the door and drops on her knee when she looks at the person standing before her...he puts his hands on her shoulder and makes her stand up...he wipes her tears and hugs her...Jodha hugs him tight with tear of happiness...

Jodha: Papa...

Rajiv: Ssshh Jodha..I am so happy you are alive

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