Chapter 23

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Jodha took Jalal back to his cottage. She placed him on his chair and looked at his face with happiness. She puts her head on his lap and hugs his waist. She breaks down all her emotions and feelings that she had been feelings since the last few days. She hugs him so tight as if Jalal will slip away from her again like last time.

Jodha: Jalal please talk to me. I have been dying to hear your voice. Please Jalal. (She looks at him with teary eyes, she holds his face and makes him look at her) Look, I really am here. Your Jodha. Jalal see (she puts his hand on her face) see you can feel me. It will be both of us from now on. No one can come between us Jalal. No one. I won't let anyone. I promise. We will start our life again. We will get married and live here in this cottage where no one will be able to find us or disturb us. (she looks at him with happiness and tears at the same time) Jalal what do you think?

Jalal (withdraw's his his hand from Jodha's.) I don't deserve you. (he closes his eyes in pain, where he cried silent tears)

Jodha: Yes, I do. Jalal let's forget everything and start new please Jalal. I can't live without you. Please

Jalal: I will not be able to give you happiness. Please go away and forget me

Jodha (looks at him with shock): How can I forget you? Tell me (she shakes him and holds her mangalsutre in front of him) How can I forget our marriage Jalal? How can I forget what we shared? I won't go away from you ever again. (She hugs him really tight by his waist) even if you tell me to go away I won't. I need you just like you need me.

Jalal cries hearing her talk...Jodha gets up and sits on his lap and hugs him by his neck. She puts her head on his shoulder and closes her eyes felling his closeness. She sleeps on his shoulder. Jalal opens his eyes and looks at Jodha's face from up close. After so many years, she was with him again. He felt like his soul was back in his body. He was about to hug her back but stops midway remembering how he had hurt her in the past. He quickly puts his hands back down and looks away from her face with guilt. He could feel her grip on him becoming stronger and stronger each passing minute. Jalal just sat their feeling her closeness)


In the morning, Jodha woke up due to sunshine hitting her face. She notices that she was no longer on Jalal's lap. She gets up scared, fearing if he left her again. She quickly fixes her dupatta and goes outside looking for him. After her faital attempt in finding him, she comes back to the cottage dejected. She breaksdown the minute she enteres the cottage. "Where are you Jalal. Why did you leave me." She lies on the floor, hugging her knees crying. She closes her eyes remembering him. After a while, when she opens her eyes she sees pair of feet in front of her. She looks up and sees Jalal. she quickly gets up and hugs him, crying on his shoulder.

Jodha: I thought you left me again. I won't let you go far away from me ever again. I won't loose you again. (She cries until she could cry no longer. Jalal brings her to the chair and makes her sit. As he was about to get up, Jodha holds his hand. Jalal looks at her.) Please don't go anywhere. Take me with you.

Jalal: ohh umm I have to cut wood for the fire.

Jodha: I want to go with you too.

Jalal: but

Jodha: please, I need you in front of me.

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