Part 17

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Chapter 17

It has been two years...everything seemed to come to a stand much has been changed...everything had been questioned...whether it was love, relationships and even about ones identity...A man stood behind a counter of a hotel...he was skinny and tall...his face filled with no emotions...his eyes always seemed so distant and hallow..he was the same Jalal Beg Muhammad where once people used to fear him, girls used to die with his one look or glance, where people knew the dominance he possessed as soon as he entered a building now he is no one...his body has been replaced by nothing but skin and bones...his face no longer posses the same charisma and charm instead it has been replaced with dark eye bags making his eyes look hallow...girls that used to be crazy over him now don't even know look at him twice...

No one knew where he came from...he never spoke a single word to anyone ever since he started working there...some believed he was mute unable to speak...he came and went like a one would see him around after his shift...he was excluded from everything and everyone as if nothing mattered anymore...he quietly left the hotel and started heading towards a jungle area few miles away from the place...he walked as if he was a zombie...there was only body present but his heart, soul and mind was gone...he came to a standstill in front of a small cottage like place...he went in and sat in on a chair in the corner of the room...the cottage was dark and gloomy...there was no other furniture present in the room except for a looked as if no one has been living here for years...he stared outside of the window getting lost into the depth of the jungle...he knew this was the way he is suppose to pay for all the pain and suffering he caused Jodha...he just hoped that in next life he would be forgiven by her...he couldn't commit suicide like a coward...he wanted to punish himself everyday and feel her pain...he closed his eyes...he didn't even have the ability to cry anymore...he opens his eyes immediately...whenever he closes his eyes he sees Jodha's crying face filled with fear, her pleading and begging...he immediately opens his eyes and stare out into space again...he hadn't had a good night sleep in two years...this is his new life..filled with isolation and suffering everyday...


Suraj: Jodha are you ready? We have to go...(he looks at Jodha who was putting on her makeup in front of a mirror..she looks at Suraj)

Jodha: umm yeah...almost

Suraj: hurry up we are going to be late...

Jodha: I know I am done...(after few minutes) ok lets go...

Suraj: About time...

Jodha (looks at Suraj): I got ready on time na...anyway lets go...I don't want to miss the flight (Jodha and Suraj both went to the airport together to catch the flight)


Jodha closed her eyes as soon as the flight started moving...Suraj puts his hand on top of hers to reassure her...she opens up her eyes and looks at him...

Suraj: Are you ok?

Jodha: No am scared

Suraj: You don't have anything to be scared about...just close your eyes for now and get some rest...(Jodha nods her head and closes her eyes..)


Jodha and Suraj both arrive in Goa...Jodha's eyes wandering around to take in the beauty of what Goa has to offer to everyone...she loved everything..the beach filled with people and little kids swimming and playing around while parents laid on the sandy beach with their sun hats looking over their kids...she smiled as she looked at two young kids who were working together as a team to make a sand castle...both looked so cute...she always wanted to have kids but didn't knew how to bring up the subject with Jalal...she feared Jalal's anger and wondered what kind of father he would become...she feared that he would yell at the kids or worse hit them...she felt that it would be better that she never bring up that subject with him...she looks over at Suraj who was the complete opposite from Jalal..while Jalal was angry and dominate Suraj was caring and always calm...Suraj would go out of his way to help anyone even if it puts his life in danger..and that is what she loved about matter what he is always their for her..she was glad to have him in her life...

Both went inside their reserved soon as Jodha entered she felt this familiar aroma "Jalal?" her eyes wandered around the hotel..looking for the source but was left dejected when she couldn't see him..."maybe my mind is playing a trick on me...he couldn't be here...right?.."

Suraj: Jodha let's go...I have signed us in... (Jodha came out of her thoughts as she was being led by Suraj...she turned around to look back toward the entrance hoping to confirm her doubts but turned her face back when not being able to find anything...)

Jalal came out from behind and watched Jodha's retreating form...tears escaped from his face and drops it on his hand..he looks down shocked at his hands as more tears fall...she still looked the same as before just the way he remembered except she was wearing someone else's mangalsutre...He felt as if someone is stabbing him with thousands of needles to his heart...his heart and body ached with pain and sorrow...isn't that what he wanted? He smiled knowing that she has at last found the right person that she always deserved...he promised not to show his face to either Suraj or Jodha as long as they are here...he left the hotel and for the first time in two years he went to the beach...he looked over at all the couples there laughing and enjoying their moments together...he could've been one of those couples with her all the happiness that she deserved instead he gave nothing but pain..the pain that she didn't deserve...she deserved love and only love..same love that Suraj can give Jodha instead...he looked at the vast ocean ahead of him...he wanted to go in the ocean and get rid of all the sorrows..he finally felt content knowing that Jodha is happy...he quietly got up and walked toward the ocean...he looked down as the water gently hits his feet...he slowly walked in the water until it was above his waist..he opened his arms wide open and put his head up toward the sky...he slowly started walking deeper and deeper into the ocean until he heard "JALAL!!" He turned around and saw Jodha looking at him angry...

sorry no precap and a small update....

next update of next week thursday..hopefully...

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