Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

Jalal kept close eye on Jodha...he made sure that she was eating well and the doctor comes regularly to check up on her...he wanted to be near her and hug her but he knew that he cannot ruin her happiness by showing his face to her...why would she want to see me? Do I deserve happiness? He couldn't live or die...he didn't belong to either worlds...he couldn't end his life because that was the easy way out instead of suffering...he wanted to suffer and go through the same pain as still hurt him to see her with Suraj...even though he is happy that she found someone...he can't stand anyone being so close to her...he felt relieved when doctor told him she is better now...a smile crept up on his face...after many years he smiled..."thank god you are fine Jodha...even though I can't come near you..I will make sure you are safe as long as you are here..." Jalal hides behind pillars when he spotted Jodha and Suraj coming...he watched her every move making sure she is fine...Jodha smiles as the sun hits her face when she exited the hotel...

Jodha: Suraj I am sorry because of me you had to worry so much...

Suraj: Jodha its not a problem..come on you are my friend..and for now you are my responsibility..and I didn't worry about anything...the hotel took take of the doctor...

Jodha (shocked); what? Why did they do that?

Suraj: I don't know...I was just told that they always do that for their customers...

Jodha: Ohh that's where are we going today? Any news?

Suraj: umm (just then his phone rang) hold on I will be right back..stay here...(Jodha stays behind waiting for Suraj...she goes near a flower plant and smiles when she touches it...suddenly she turned around looking everywhere frantically... "why did it feel like someone was behind me? It seems familiar..." she walks and starts searching for the unknown source..not even knowing what she is looking for...she comes back dejected when she couldn't find anything...Suraj comes back and taps her on the shoulder...) is everything seem disturbed?

Jodha: I don't know why but it felt like someone is watching me

Suraj (looked around): Jodha no one is here...come let's go...

Jodha: Where are we going?

Suraj: I will tell you...

Jalal comes out from hiding..."where are they going? I don't know if I should follow them? Do I have the right?" he stood there alone confused of what he should do...


Jodha looked at the restaurant in front of her...she loooked at Suraj confused..."why are we here? at the restaurant? We could've ate at the hotel we are staying at..."

Suraj: What happened Jodha? why do you look confused?

Jodha: umm why are we here at the resturant?

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