Chapter 13

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Jalal Pov:

He is drinking at the hotel...thinking about Jodha...I know you are my Jodha...why are you denying me? Was I really that bad? How can I make you realize that I am not the same Jalal can you even forget me our love just like that...(he thinks about Suraj and her engagement) I will win our love no matter what...I will prove to you I have changed...I can't live without you Jodha...these four years felt like eternity...I have tried committing suicide but didn't have the courage to face you up can I after what I have done? How can I make you realize that I will not be the same Jalal anymore...(he drinks more) Starting tomorrow will be a new day for the both of us...I have to tell Suraj everything and make him understand that I have rights on Jodha however she denies...

The next day Jalal gets up..he calls Suraj but finds out that he is at Jodha's house...he decided what could be better than talking to Suraj right there about Jodha...he gets ready and heads out for her house...he knocks on her house...Jodha opens the door...he looks at her closely...somehow she wasn't surprise finding him here...she knew that I would come back and not give up...but there was something else in her eyes that I missed all those years...fear...he closes his eyes in pain knowing how much she is scared from him...he steps inside the house...he didn't miss slight hesitation Jodha had letting him in...he looks at her again...she quietly walks away to the table...he finds Suraj eating pained his heart knowing that Jodha is cooking for someone else then for him...he remembers all the time Jodha cooked for him but never appreciated her enough for all her hard work...Suraj smiles at Jalal as he sits on the dinning table...he watches Jodha enter her kitchen leaving both of them alone...

Suraj: Good did you know I am here?

Jalal (his thoughts were disrupted by Suraj): ohh umm I called your office...they told me you were here...

Suraj: ohh ok...(Jalal again looks toward the kitchen...) do you have anything to go over?

Jalal: ohh yeah the designs...I made some changes..(thinks of a quick excuse)

Suraj: ok we can go to the office and discuss the designs...

Jalal: Don't you want to go over with Jodha..(Suraj looks at him confused) ohh am sorry I mean with Rajni...

Suraj: we can work here than...

Jalal: Sure...

Jodha POV:

Why is he here now? What does he want? He seems different...I am seeing emotions in his eyes and face that I have never seen before...I saw pain and guilt in his eyes...has he really changed as he says he is? Why does it hurt when I saw pain in his i still love him? No Jodha things will never be the same with us ever again...I can't go back to him...I can't go back to that house...I think he is acting just so I can go back...he can never change...I am scared to face him...whenever he comes in front of me...I have this fear in me...(she goes outside with jug of water...Suraj didn't look up...Jalal looked at Jodha...she was avoiding his eyes..she sits next to Suraj...) I don't know how to tell Suraj about my true self..I am scared as to how he will react and feel...I don't want him to think I am lying...I don't want to lose him...I know he loves me just like I like him...(suddenly Jodha realizes what she said...) Like? Why can't I bring myself to love Suraj...Do I still love Jalal? (Jodha looks down and played with her many questions were playing in her mind of which she didn't have the answer too...she cold feel Jalal's eyes on her...she felt so uncomfortable...)

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