Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Suraj's POV

Did I just heard everything right? Or am I imagining things? Jodha...(tears escape from his eyes...he looks down at the flowers of bouquet in his hands) I came here to give you a surprise at the end I am the one being much pain and emotions you had bottled up inside you and yet you didn't find the right to tell me about all this? (he looks at Jalal's retreating figure...walking out of the house like a dead body...he observes him...he saw guilt and remorse on his face...) Jalal Beg Muhammad the greatest and the youngest businessman in Delhi...who has everything he wants and needs at the snap of a finger and yet has nothing at all...(he smirks...but soon becomes sad hearing Jodha crying...) Jodha...had I known how much pain you are in because of Jalal Beg Muhammad then I swear on your head I would've killed him long time back...(he quickly wipes his tears...he throws the bouquet on the floor and stands in front of Jodha...he saw her crying on the floor on her pained his heart to see her in this much pain...she saw him standing there...shock and fear were evident in her eyes...) am I not suppose to know the truth at all?

POV ends

Jodha: Suraj?

Suraj: Should I call you Rajni or Jodha? (she looks down...why are you not looking straight at me...he goes closer to her hearing her break into fresh new tears...tell me the truth...)

Jodha: you heard everything...(he saw her closing her eyes...she looks straight into his eyes...) It is true..I am Jodha...(she looks down on the floor...and narrates her whole story...he grew angry and angry with each words that came out of her mouth...he just stood there...his legs felt numb..he couldn't move or know how to react...she looks at him after finishing...stared at him waiting for something to say...)

Suraj: Why couldn't you tell me this before? Did you not trust me?

Jodha: I was scared...I didn't think my past would come in front of me...

Suraj (goes up to her and hugs her): I am here now...(he looks at her and cups her face) I love you Jodha...your past doesn't bother me...(she is looking into his eyes..searching for something...maybe truth of whatever he said is whether true or not...she hugs him with new tears of relief and joy...) you didn't respond back to what I said...(he looks at her again) I need to know...he looks at her eyes...they were confused...

Jodha: What do you mean?

Suraj: You didn't respond back to my I love you comment...

Jodha (looks down): I feel the same know that...(he smiles...I got what I wanted to gave me the answer without saying anything...) Suraj I need to know what are you thinking after knowing the truth...

Suraj: What is there to say Rajni...ohh umm I mean Jodha...I got what I needed to you trust me?

Jodha (trust? the last person I trusted broke my heart...she looks at Suraj...I know you are different..and you will never hurt me the way he did...) of course I trust is the only thing we have right now...I trust you even with my life Suraj...(she hugs him again...that is all I need to know gave me all the answers)


Jalal's pov:

Jodha is right...I have made her life a living hell...she doesn't deserve me at all...I don't deserve a second chance...I deserve ALL the pain I have caused Jodha...I killed Jodha with my own hands...I don't deserve her forgiveness...i don't deserve forgiveness even from God...I deserve to rot away in hell...(he looks at his hands) with these hands I hurt my Jodha...where in return all she asked was for my love...she gave up everything for me and what have I done for her nothing...I couldn't even see the pain and the sacrifice she made for me...who am I to ask for her forgiveness...she is human after all...I don't deserve anyone in my life...(he thinks about Suraj) I know now Jodha...Suraj will keep you happy...he will give you everything that you ever wanted in life..everything that you had expected from me...I know that Suraj will complete that hole...he will take away all your pain that you suffered because of me...I dont' deserve your love anymore...I only deserve the pain that I caused you...the pain of separating you of your family...taking away your smile...your friends...and turned your love into fear and hatred...I need to be punished and feel your pain...(Jalal sees a church...he goes inside...he puts his hand on top of a candle..ignoring the pain) I promise after today you will not see my face...I only deserve the pain and suffering I have caused you...I never deserved you Jodha...(he was out of his thoughts when priest pushed his hand away from the candle...)

Priest: What are you doing?

Jalal (smiles...): feeling what it is like to be in pain..what it is like to suffer (he walked away from the church leaving the priest dumbfounded...he walks along the road with tears...not knowing where his destination lies ahead...he goes back to his hotel...he takes his shirt off...stares into space...)


Jalal drags Jodha in the house after the party...he throws her on the sofa...she looks at him with fear...Jalal picks up the glass table in front of him and breaks it into million pieces...Jodha jumps seeing his anger and rage higher then usual...she silently watches him break everything into tiny pieces..she was too scared to even speak or move...she just sat there what seemed like eternity...

Jodha: Jalal (Jalal looks at her with pure rage...she looks down unable to see his anger anymore..she knew that if she says anything more it will further anger him...he comes closer to her and makes her stand by holding her hair...she screams in pain...) Please...let go of me...I didn't do anything...he throws her on the floor where the broken pieces of glass were...Jalal takes out his belt and holds it in his hand...she stops herself from screaming...and looks back at him with fear...she slowly started crawling back as Jalal kept coming closer and closer to her...he bends down near Jodha...

Jalal: I will show you Jodha what you did tonight...

Jodha (crying): "jaa jaa Jalal" (stuttering..) "please" (he holds her arm and picks her up...digging his nails into her arm...ignoring her pleads, her blood and her screaming...He wraps the belt in his hand...he throws her against the wall...causing her to hit his head...she starts walking backwards...her head started to bleed...she stumbles into some furniture...Jodha pleads with folded hands as she walks backwards...he hits himself with the belt... "please let go of me...I will not go anywhere after today...I will not talk to anyone either...I will only do as you say..." Jalal pulls her close to him by holding on to her wrist...Jodha is crying hysterically...fearing...

Jalal: I don't like it when someone else touches you (he holds her arm..he speaks to her with anger) You knew that...(he holds her face forcing her to look at him...she lowers her eyes...unable to meet his eyes with fear) LOOK AT ME! (Jodha jumps and looks at him...) you always...always make the same mistake again and again and again! (he throws her down on the floor...) Jalal hits himself again...

Jodha: I won't make any mistakes anymore..I promise...(crying...she felt too weak to stand up...her hands were shaking out of fear...)

Jalal: It is too late for promises...(he drags her to a room...and drops her on the bed...she crawls back in the bed...) I will wipe every place where he touched you...(She looks at him with wide eyes...)

End of flashback

Jalal keeps beating himself with the belt...remembering the physical and mental tortures he did to Jodha...blood starts dripping down his back and chest...he ignores everything and keep hitting himself with the belt until he faints...there was blood everywhere on the carpet...


I am glad that Suraj found out the truth...but deep down I regret of not telling him the truth any sooner...I will not live in fear anymore...Jalal don't bother me anymore..I am not alone...I have Suraj with me now...showing me the ray of hope that I was looking for...but there is something in Suraj that I seems like he is hiding something from me since last night...I will not let anyone or anything come between us now...papa would be very happy to know that I found someone else...papa? It has been so long since I spoke to him...I want to go back to my home now...see my papa and my friends...everything is over now...I am not scared of him anymore...Jodha looks at Sura who just barged in her cabin...

Jodha: "Suraj is everything alright?" The look on Suraj face tells me something is very wrong..but what...did something happen to him? I am getting scared with each passing minute..why isn't he looking at me?

Suraj: "umm Rajni I don't know how to tell you this" My heart beat increases hearing that tone from him...I don't want to know what happened...I think I know what he might talk to me about...

Jodha: "What Suraj..what happened?" Panic starts to cover my whole body...

Suraj: "Jalal..."

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