Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Jodha and Suraj both went to their rooms...when they entered the room they were shocked to see flowers all over the place...Suraj went to one of the flower bouquet and took out a note "get well soon" he read out loud..."who could this be? this is really weird isn't it Jodha..." Jodha smiled as she looked at everything around her...forgetting Suraj...she went to one of the bouquet..and touched it...they were all roses...her favorite flower...she knew who this belonged too...she didnt' need to see the note to know..."if you want to play hide and seek Jalal..then so be it..but I will find you..that's my promise..." she came out of her thoughts when Suraj called her name again...

Suraj: Jodha I am talking to you...

Jodha: huh what?

Suraj: I said this is weird...who could send these flowers...

Jodha: I know who sent it...

Suraj: who?

Jodha: Jalal..

Suraj (shakes his head): Jodha...not again...the whole day you have been chanting Jalal Jalal Jalal...I told you if Jalal was here he would've showed his face...and he didn't do any of try to understand he is not here...

Jodha (has tears falling out of her eyes hearing Suraj speak like that..she backs up a little in disbelief) NO you are wrong..why don't you believe me? I thought we were friends?

Suraj: Jodha i am your friend..but this is all a coincidence...

Jodha (holds his hands and drags him to the flower bouquet): these are my favorite flowers...Jalal knew that..(she takes out a card) he knew that I am not well...he is the one that sent the doctor and took care of the bills..I know its him

Suraj: you know what..let's go..we are going to see the doctor right now (he holds her hand and drags her out of the hotel...while Jodha followed him with tears in her eyes...Jalal blood boiled seeing tears in her eyes..."how dare he!!" Jalal decided to follow them...Suraj brings her to the doctor clinic..."what are they doing here? Jalal wondered..Jalal stood outside the door making sure that he is not seen...) Doctor who hired you to see Jodha? (doctor looked both of them confused)

Doc: Excuse me?

Suraj: the other day when she was sick...why didn't you charge us any money?

Doc: because I was already paid...

Suraj: by whom? (Jodha waited anxiously for his reply)

Doc: by the hotel..(she was disheartened by his response)

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