Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Jalal Pov:
Jalal came back to his hotel room after the engagement party which was cut short because Suraj finance left without informing anyone...he ordered whisky...he sat on the chair..and drank the whisky silently...he pulled out something from his pocket and held it in front of him..tears started to form in his eyes...he poured another drink...police inspector's words rang in his head "I'm sorry Mr. Muhammad but your wife is no is her mangalsutre and the clothes she was wearing at the time of the accident" tears escaped from his eyes..."I am sorry Jodha..for all the pain I caused you..." he poured another drink and sat on the chair thinking...
A week after their marriage...Jalal was getting ready..when Jodha brought him his coffee...she stands behind him watching him get ready...Jalal turns around and faces her...
Jalal (pulls her toward him and holds her by her waist and kisses her neck...) What happened? (while still kissing)
Jodha: Can you drop me to college on the way?
Jalal (stops kissing and looks at her): college?
Jodha: haan ek hafta hogaya hai main college nahi gayi...exams bhi aah rahe hai
Jalal (lets her go): Why do you need to go to college?
Jodha: What do you mean?
Jalal (holds her by the waist again): Jodha you don't need college...I make more than enough money...
Jodha: But Jalal I want to continue my studies...I want to get my degree...
Jalal: We will talk about this later...(Jodha walks out of the room and goes down..after a while he comes down..he sees Rohit talking to Jodha)
Rohit: Jodha here are your notes that you missed so far...are you coming today?
Jodha: woh main
Jalal: She is not going to college anymore? (comes and stands next to Jodha while Rohit looks shocked) She is married now and taking care of the house is her first priority..(he holds her tight by the waist)
Rohit (looks at Jodha): Jodha you are almost done...come on you can't leave Meera and me like this?
Jalal: Like I said Rohit...she will continue her studies later but not for now (looks at the clock) don't you have to go to college Rohit? (Rohit left giving Jalal an angry look..Jodha looks down controlling her tears)
Jodha: What will I do at home..with nothing to do?
Jalal: I don't know (hugs her) am sure you will find I have to go..bye...see you when I get back...(Jodha shakes her head..he kisses her on her lips and leaves...Jodha throws the notes on the floor and runs upstairs to her bedroom with teary face...)
Jodha POV:
Jalal is maybe right...I don't need to go to college..I am going to be a housewife..he is rich and can support me well enough...he made the right decision..I would be so busy with college that I wouldn't have time to take care of the house...No I can't do that...he works day and night and he has been alone all his maybe that's why he doesn't want me to go to college...his happiness is more important to me than mine...maybe I will ask him if I can work with him instead (sits on the bed excited) that way we can spend some time together and get to know each other better...yeah I will ask him as soon as he comes home...(Jodha smiled and hurriedly got the food ready and waited for Jalal to come...Jodha was in the living room waiting for him pretty excited to ask him if she can work..she stands up from the sofa as soon as she hears Jalal come)
Jodha: aap aagaye...mujhe aapse ek baat karni thi
Jalal (sits on the sofa and pulls her on his lap and nuzzles her neck): hmm bolo
Jodha: Kya main aapke saath kam kar sakti hoon? (Asked with a smile)
Jalal: why?
Jodha: because I might get bored at home and this way I won't be bored if I am working
Jalal: But I like seeing you home waiting for makes it exciting for me to know that someone is home waiting (he kisses her neck)
Jodha: But Jalal I want to work..
Jalal (angry) Enough! (She gets scared) I told you Jodha the first day...I don't like repeating myself...(He holds her tight by the was giving her pain..she flinched...he pulls her closer to him and aggressively kisses her lips..she had tears in her eyes as Jalal holds her tighter and tighter..after a while) Jodha I don't want to talk about this ever again...You understand?
Jodha: yes (nervously)
Jalal: lets have dinner..I am very hungry (she slightly smiles and both have dinner...after dinner Jalal picks Jodha up and brings her upstairs to the room looking at her with love)
End Flashback!
Suraj: the door..what happened? (He kept on knocking on Jodha's soon as he found out that Jodha is not in the function..he right away left and went after her...)
Jodha heard knocks on the door...she wanted to open the door but didn't know how to face him and what to tell him... "No I have to tell Suraj everything" after a while she got enough courage and opened the door..there she found Suraj sitting on the floor soon as he heard the door being opened he quickly got up and walked up to Jodha..
Suraj: Rajni why did you leave the engagement party??
Rajni: I have to tell you something..
Suraj (looks at her condition..he could tell that she has been crying): No Rajni...I think I know what happened
Rajni (looks at him shocked): You do??
Suraj: Yeah it is understandabel that you miss your family...(he holds her by the shoulder) Don't worry Rajni I am with you no matter what...
Rajni: no Suraj
Suraj: Sssh don't do that again Rajni..I was so scared...I have been looking for you everywhere thinking something might've happened to you...
Rajni ("How should I tell him the truth?"): Suraj the thing is
Suraj: Listen let's go look tired..get some sleep...we can talk about this tomorrow...(He puts Jodha on the bed and tucks her in...Jodha felt exhausted..she closes her eyes...Suraj left as soon as Jodha went to sleep...)
Precap: Present: Suraj: Rajni when are you coming to work?
Rajni: Suraj I am not feeling well..I won't be able to come...
Suraj: what! (Jalal looks at Suraj talking on the phone)

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