Chapter 22

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Sorry its been a long time... I hope you will enjoy the chapter....

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Chapter 22

Jodha couldn't have been more happier that she would be finally with her Jalal. The same Jalal whom she has been looking for the past two years. She was very thankful to Kanha for sending Sameer as her savior. She had almost given up hope if it wasn't for him. She was looking out the window with a smile. She had almost forgotten how to smile. Ever since Jalal had left, her life had no meaning, no purpose at all without him. Now, she felt like her soul is back again in her body, this time she will make sure that no one seperates both of them. The car came to a halt, she got out of the car and watched Sameer bring out her bag from the trunk. She noticed that she was at a house, she looked at Sameer confusiongly and quietly followed him. Jodha went staright in the house as soon as he opened the door with a smile but that smile was short lived. She was shocked to see her dad, Suraj, Rohit and Meera looking at her. Jodha turns around and looks at Sameer.

Jodha: What is all this? You told me that you are taking me to Jalal (Sameer looks down)

Suraj: We had told him to find out and bring you to us. He just did his job

Jodha (laughs): I forgot that he is a detective and their job is to just find people and collect their money. (She goes up to Sameer and slaps him on the face) If this was just about money then you could've just asked me; I would've given you double the amount. Let me repay you extra for doing your job (She takes out her bagles, her earings and throws it at Sameer) Here take all this and even if this is not enough then here take my mangsalsuture, I am sure you will get good amount of money by selling it. (Just when she was about to take it Sameer stops her..)

Sameer: Stop, don't do it. I am sorry

Jodha: Keep your sorry to yourself. I forgot, if I can't even trust the people I know then how can I trust a mere stranger.

Rajiv: Jodha stop all this and come home. Look, Meera and Rohit came as well to take you

Jodha: I am not going anywhere without Jalal. Do you all here me! (she shouts)

Suraj: What Jalal Jodha? He is not here. No one has seen him.

Jodha: I have seen him, I have felt him and you cannot tell me to deny what I felt and seen

Meera: Jodha look at yourself. Look what you have done to yourself. I want my old Jodha back that used to smile and laugh.

Jodha: If you want that Jodha then help me find Jalal, please Meera (she looks at Rohit) Rohit even you don't believe me? (He looks down...Jodha backs up from everyone)

Rajiv (comes near Jodha): Lets just forget everything that happpend and come back home. Suraj is still ready to accept you. (He touches her shoulder..but Jodha jerks his hands away)

Jodha: How do you expect me to come with traitors like you guys? All you have broken my trust today. Sura,j I thogught you were my friend, you supported me throughout and when I needed your support you turned your back on me? Dad you were suppose to believe me? You want to see me happy right, then my happiness lies with Jalal.

Rajiv: Jalal, Jalal, Jalal! I am tired to hearing that name. (He holds her by the shoulders with anger) You want to know right where is Jalal. HE IS DEAD! You here me! Dead! That picture that Sameer showed you was fake, he is not even a detective. Suraj brought you here so that you can get away from Delhi, from the thoughts of Jalal. For two years, you have been doing nothing but grieve for Jalal. We thought eventually you will forget him but each passing day, you started becoming crazy for him, searching for him everywhere. Thinking he might be in this palce or that place. We tried Jodha to have you forget him. So we all thought about bringing you to Goa under the pretence that Jalal is here. Hoping and wishing that you would forget him once you see how beautiful this palce is but even then you failed.

Jodha (shocked): The picture. Suraj showed me the picture

Rajiv: That picture is fake. In fact, Suraj wasn't even searching for Jalal. He took you to all the places and spent time with you so that you could forget Jalal and move on with your life with him (she looks at Suraj and everyone shocked)

Jodha: Why did you even show me the picture then, if you wanted to me to move on? (she cried)

Rajiv: because so that you could have a condolence that he is out there safe so that you could lighten youself and move on knowing that he is alive somewhere

Jodha: You ALL cheated me! (She moves his hands from her shoulder) He is alive and I know it

Rajiv (slaps her) NO HE IS NOT! HE IS DEAD!!!

Rohit: Uncle is right Jodha, No one heard from him at all. He can't be alive.

Jodha (falls down on her knees): NO HE IS NOT! I have seen him. (Rohit comes near her and brings out his hand to touch her when Jodha raised her hand stopping him midway) DON'T TOUCH ME OR COME NEAR ME (she gets up) I don't need anyone's help. I have seen all the help you guys have given me. (She goes near the door and runs...everyone goes behind her)

Jodha ignores everyone's calling and just runs away. Her father's words ringing in her head. "No, he is not dead. I know I have seen him. I am not crazy. If they think I am crazy, then yes I am crazy. Crazy for Jalal and his love. I cannot live without him. If they think that Jalal is dead then what is the point in me staying alive? I will join Jalal too." She runs to the beach with tears. She drops on her knees and looks up crying..."Why Kanha? Why? Alll I wanted was Jalal, was that even too much for me to ask? Why did you had to separate us? I cannot take it anymore, I will not forgive anyone even you Kanha if something happens to Jalal." She gets up to go toward the water, she stops in her tracks when she sees a person going slowly toward the water. As she got closer and closer, she knew who it was. soon her happiness turned into shock and fear, she saw him going deeper and deeper in the water.

Jodha: Jalal! (She yells and brings out her hand...she saw him stop turn around and smile at her...he shakes her head and starts walking again. Jodha runs in the water behind Jalal with fear as his whole body was emerged in the water only his head remaining. She quickly dives in the water and holds his hand and brings Jalal out of the water. Both dropped on the beach as soon as they were out of the water. Jalal started coughing water out of his mouth. Jodha makes him sit and pats his back to sooth him. After a while, Jalal stops and looks at Jodha. She smiles at him and hugs him tight but Jalal does not reciprocate the hug. Jodha looks at him in awe and starts kisses his face everywhere.

Jodha: I am so happy to finally found you Jalal. Now, no one will stop us. We will be together forever. Do you here me Jalal? (She worriedly looks at his experionless face. He had no emotions whatsoever, he kept looking ahead of her ignoring her presence) Jalal look at me (she holds his face forcing him to look at her but even then his eyes didn't meet hers) Please, you have to forgive yourself Jalal. You will never hurt me. We have to move on and start a new life where there will be just the two of us. (Jodha gets up, she holds Jalal's hand and helps him up as well...Jalal walks along side of Jodha like a zombie...Jodha stops half way when she spots everyone looking at both of them in shock..Jodha quickly holds Jalal really tighthly as if they will snatch her away from him) Don't come any closer...

Suraj: Jodha listen

Jodha: enough, I will not believe anything you guys say anymore. I have found Jalal and that he is only one I need. (Jodha leads Jalal past them. She stops near Sameer and gives him a look. Rajiv was about to go toward Jodha but Meera stopped him...All watched Jodha and Jalal leave until they disapeared into the darkness)

Precap: Jodha helping Jalal..


Sorry have happen a lot in life so kind of distracted from Wattpad for a long time.
But after seeing you all wanting the chapter soo badly. So I thought, I should complete this book, and give you the next chapter.. so here I am. Will complete the book and hope to continue my other book as well.

Thank you

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