Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Jodha: Jalal are you ready for the party? (Jodha came out from the bathroom after getting dressed and saw Jalal standing talking on the phone)

Jalal (turns around and faces Jodha...he puts the phone on hold): Jodha one minute...I am talking to someone important on the phone

Jodha (goes downstairs and waits for Jalal to come...she waits for almost half and hour and still no sign of Jalal...she wanted to go upstairs but stopped herself fearing his anger...she decided to wait again..after a while the phone rings...she picks it up...) hello

Meera: Hey where are you guys? We are all waiting

Jodha: ohh umm sorry Meera...we will be there shortly (she sees Jalal coming down the stairs) Ok I have to go..we are leaving soon..bye

Jalal (comes up to Jodha): Who was that?

Jodha: woh umm Meera thi...she was asking where were we

Jalal: let's go...

Jalal holds Jodha by the waist and leads her to the car...Jodha kept quiet throughout the whole ride..she was excited that after a long time she would be able to meet her dad and her friends...even if it is for the last time...she controlled her tears remembering what Jalal had said to her last week...she looks down on her wrist with the bruise...she was glad that the bruise from the bangles was sort of faded and covered by her bangles...soon they reached her house...both got out of the car and walked inside the house...she was welcomed by her dad...she hugs her dad...

Rajiv: how are you beta?

Jodha: I am good

Rajiv: Why were you two late? I was waiting for you guys

Jalal: I had some work to finish up

Rajiv: Ohh umm come in...

Jodha: Ramu Kaka kaha hai?

Rajiv: He is in the kitchen along with Meera

Jodha: Ohh I will go meet both..I will be right back (she goes in the kitchen and hugs Ramu Kaka and than Meera)

Ramu Kaka: How are you beti?

Jodha: I am good...what are you guys making? (excited)

Ramu Kaka: Meera is making a chocolate cake for your dad and I was making some dinner..she wanted to learn how to cook...

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