Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Jodha was home looking around to do usual Jalal was busy with work...Jodha decided to Call Meera and see how she is...she missed her so much
Jodha: Hey Meera...what are you doing?
Meera: I am mad at you
Jodha: Why? What did I do?
Meera: Why did you decide not go to college?
Jodha: woh (thinks about Jalal's decision) I think its better...I just got married and I think it is better if I think about my home first
Meera (laughs): Relax Jodha...I was just pulling your leg...listen my class is canceled today so how about you and I hang out...I am dying to see you
Jodha: umm Meera...I don't know..Jalal is not home and...
Meera: Jodha come on can call Jalal jiju and leave a message...give me his number and I will leave the message if you want
Jodha: No (thinks about it) ok I will call Jalal right now and leave a message...
Meera: ok..I will pick you up in half ready
Jodha: ok bye..(she hangs up the phone and calls Jalal's cell but it was switched off...she calls the receptionist and found out that he is in a meeting..she left a quick message and told her to tell Jalal ASAP...Jodha got ready..) Shyaam (she yells)
Shyaam: Yes Ma'am
Jodha: I am going out with my friend...if Jalal sir calls just tell him that I will be back in a little while..I have also left a message for him at his work
Shyaam: Alright Ma'am
Jalal had come home after work early..hoping to surprise Jodha...he was very excited since he got a new contract today and wanted to share it with Jodha...he entered the house and called for Jodha...hearing no response...he looked around the house searching for her...he called for his servant Shyaam...
Shyaam: yes sir (Scared)
Jalal: Where is Jodha Ma'am?
Shyaam: Sir she left around 12 in the afternoon...Ma'am had left a message for you at work
Jalal: hmm can leave for the day (Jalal called his office and he fired his receptionist for not giving him the message)
Jalal went to his home office and tried to concentrate on his work...he looked at the clock it was 2...still Jodha wasn't home..he got more and more angry and worried...he threw the file on the floor along with everything that was on his desk...he went to the living room and sat there..waiting patiently..he looks at the clock once again and it was 4...then he heard Jodha coming in...he looked up and saw Jodha carrying lots of bags in her hand struggling to hold each bag as she walks...he silently observes her..she still didn't see Jalal in the living room...she drops the bags on the floor and sits on the floor taking a deep breath...she takes about 2 bags which seemed to be grocery bags and walked to the kitchen with them...Jalal got up and looked over the bags that were on the floor...they were shopping bags from the mall...he walked in the kitchen and saw Jodha humming to a tune placing the grocery in its proper places...
Jalal: Where were you? (Jodha dropped the vegetable that were in her hands and looked back...she saw Jalal standing by the kitchen entrance)
Jodha: Jalal Appne toh mujhe dara diya tha...
Jalal: Maine pucha tum kaha thi? (He walks toward Jodha)
Jodha (smiles): Didn't you get my message? I had gone and met with Meera...hum dono shopping karne gaye the
Jalal: kitne baje?
Jodha (looks at him): umm jab main gayi thi toh 12 baje the
Jalal: 12 baje...aur tum ghar aayi 4 baje...itni der tak kaha thi?
Jodha: I was bored at I called Meera and she wanted to hang out since we haven't seen each other for a while...I tried to refuse her but she wouldn't take no for an answer..(she turned around and stared to put all the grocery back as she talked) we went shopping for a while and since I didn't had my lunch..we ate together and after a while Rohit (Jalal's hands turned into a fist) came there because he needed some things from Meera (she puts the grocery away and looks at Jalal) and so we spent the whole time talking and catching up..before coming home I remembered to do some grocery shopping as well..that is why I was late...(Jalal steps closer to Jodha and slaps her on the face...Jodha looks at him shocked..tears drop down from her face..he aggresively holds her hair and pulls her head up to face him)
Jalal: how dare you go anywhere without me?? (shouts at her...Jodha looks at him with fear) You are mine now...whatever you say or do has to go through me now...(holds her hair even tighter...Jodha moans in pain) aur aaj ke baad tum Meera aur Rohit ko kabhi bhi nahi milongi..SAMJI TUM!
He lets go of her hair..she falls back on the counter...crying...Jalal leaves the kitchen and goes upstairs..she jumps when she hears upstairs door slam shut...she sits on the floor and cries...Jalal's words were ringing in her head...she hugs her knees and cries..she thought that Jalal's possesiveness will change after marriage but it is becoming worse day by day...she missed her dad... "what did I do wrong babaji?...I only went to hang out with Meera" (crying..after a while she gets and goes to the bathroom...she looks at her face and it was red and kind of swollen from the slap...she silently cries while looking at her face...)
Jodha knocks on Jalal's office door..she was scared of his anger...her hands were shaking as she knocked the door...when she didn't hear any response she knocks again...she was about to knock again when the door flung open...Jodha stepped back a little...
Jodha: woh woh (Unable to say what she wanted to because of his anger)
Jalal: woh woh woh kya? (Still angry)
Jodha (looks down): dinner ready hai
Jalal: hmm main 10 minute main aata hoon (Jodha starts to walk away...when Jalal pulls her back holding her wrist...she hits his chest...she closes her eyes and looks down...her heart starts beating fast scared that he might slap her again...) Don't take whatever I said to you earlier as a joke...(he holds her wrist even tighter...his voice sounded like a threat..she gets scared and nods her head...) or else I won't be responsible for my anger next time or for what I do...(he aggressively pulls her closer and pins her to the wall...he starts kissing her on her lips...tears slip down her face...he pulls her inside the study room...Jodha walks backwards scared...Jalal pulls her close and pushes her on the couch...he takes her pallu off...Jodha stops him before he goes any further)
Jodha: Ma Jalal dinner is getting cold...
Jalal: I don't care about the dinner...(he bends down and starts kissing her neck while his hands travels everywhere forcefully...Jodha couldn't handle his aggressiveness and she knew that she couldn't stop him...)
End Flashback!
Jalal went to Suraj's office to discuss the designs that he and his team came up with...he was back to his usual stern self...
Suraj: Good morning Mr. Muhammad...Sorry about last fiance wasn't feeling too well so she decided to leave
Jalal (ignores him): Shall we get down to business?
Suraj: Sure...I have to get the designed approved by my fiance...I am sure you will be able to meet her today when she comes in..
Jalal: hmm ok...(spreads the blueprints on the table) So this is what my design team came up you can see that (he stopped when he heard Suraj phone ring)
Suraj: sorry about that...(he takes the phone in front of Jalal) Rajni...what happend? Are you coming in today? (Jalal tries to pay attention to the blue print) you are sick? Ok I will bring something for you on the way...take care and let me know if you need anything..bye (hangs up the phone)
Jalal: So (continues on) everything is accommodated and will be safe for all the employees...
Suraj: hmmm I like the work so far Mr. Muhammad...
Jalal: Alright...
Suraj: Well then let's go out for lunch my treat
Jalal: umm
Suraj: Don't say no..its the least I can do for you coming this far
Jalal: umm ok sure...
Precap: Present: Suraj: Mr. Muhammad I just have to drop this inside to could even meet her if you like...
Jalal: No I will wait in the car
Will Jalal see Jodha when Suraj goes to meet her?

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