18. Informed Consent

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One last person. 

This last person to see before the end, and then take all memories of me away. I didn't want to be out there in the universe, my memory there taunting my brother at every turn. I'd already gone to see Jack, Sarah Jane, those at UNIT, Sylvia Noble and Wilfred Mott. They remembered the Doctor, but they had no idea who Elizabeth Caine was. And that was good.

But it was the last person. That was the one that was going to be hard.

"Only me." I called, just going into the house as I'd been told to do so many time. "The Doctor's off on one and I needed a break."

"How do you always turn up just as I've made a roast dinner?!" Mickey complained in the kitchen as I went in, smiling as I saw Lilly in her little high chair, six months old and happily trying to eat what looked like lukewarm rice pudding, made with breast milk because Martha was trying to keep going with that as long as she felt comfortable and it was benefitting Lilly. "Come on, you're using your telepathy, that's cheating."

I laughed as Martha came out of the next room, dressed in her comfy clothes because she was still on maternity leave, and Mickey had taken a year off what he was doing too, to spend time with their daughter. "No, this time I promise it was just me coming by, I didn't know that you were making your amazing roast pork. I can come back in a bit if you want."

Martha shook her head, giving me a hug as Lilly burbled happily to herself, liking that I'd come by. She was already such a smart little girl, I was so sad that I wouldn't be here to see her grow into the amazing person that she was going to be, whatever field that she wanted to study in, or if she would take after her parents and defend the world. Whatever Lillian Smith did, she was going to be incredible. Just without the memories of her Aunt LizBeth. "You know Mick, he always makes far too many roast potatoes and then we end up eating them for lunch for the rest of the week. Plenty for you too have some as well, I'll just get the extra plates."

"You sure? I didn't bring anything." I told her, savouring the hug. This would be the last time she ever saw me, or even knew who I was. "Not that I can cook, because we all remember when I tried to do that."

I had a wooden spoon pointed at me by Mickey. Mickey did not let me near his oven. "You tried to make a fried egg, and you stuck the egg to my pan to the point nothing would get it off, and when you added more oil to see if it would help, you set fire to my hob. You are never again cooking anywhere near my house."

Making Martha and I both laugh again, taking seat at the table to start having dinner, conversations light and happy, as though they really just accepted me as part of the family. They were my family, they were the hardest ones to do this to, because they had both just let me come over whenever I'd needed it, and Martha... Martha had stood by me when everyone else had turned on me after what my ex-Husband had done. When he'd used me and my mind to destroy the world and make the Earth into a war ship. Everyone had wanted me dead. I had wanted me dead. She'd been the only other one aside from my brother that made them stop.

"So, what's he done this time?" Mickey asked, going to take my plate just as I'd gone to make them take themselves to the sink. They were all about doing things themselves in this house, though they never said anything about my helping with telekinesis, or if I hacked something to make it easier. Even though they had all these amazing tools and bits of alien gadgetry in their back of the garden work room, they did everything the good old fashioned human way, and that was amazing. "Your brother, I mean. He's always been a mad idiot, and I've known him since Captain Big Ears."

"Oh, he's just being his usual self. I needed some air and this is where I know I can come and just rant and the other person not sympathise with him." I laughed, knowing Mickey had never been the biggest fan after what happened with Rose, and how he was arrested because of him. It didn't matter to him too much anymore, because without any of that he'd never have met Martha, who was a great deal better anyway, and therefore Lillian. "As much as I love Amy and Rory, they tend to be a bit biased towards the Doctor, as he's the one who's a bit more fun."

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