1. Risks

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Elizabeth Terrance Caine:

"Oh, my God, Lizzy!" Wild Cat rushed to hug me as I came out of the bathroom/TARDIS a few moments after my brother, having actually required it. Stupid organic characteristics. "Lizzy!"

Fy Annwyl Rory followed suit, the Doctor equally confused. "Uh, hello? Since when do I get rushed like this? Oh, hello to you also, Doctor Song. I take it your presence here means that there's also trouble afoot?" All I got was a slap from her, my head snapping to the side with a whipping of my heavy curls. "Well, I assume that is for something either my brother just said, or something I'm to do in the future?"

"Yes, it is."

Sure. "Looking forward to it. Like your slap by the way, but try not to scar my face, I've just got my skin back."

Poor Rory was just confused, thoughts bustling too fast to understand. "I don't understand. How can you both be here?"

The Doctor brandished his invite. "I was invited, but without Sissy I couldn't get here so I made her a plus one. Date, map reference, my grounding from being able to use the console after blowing up the TARDIS, even though it wasn't my fault."

"Oh, shut up, Doctor." I took the paper, my favourite colour which I'd painted my toes. "I take it you all also had this as otherwise it's a coincidence I don't believe in."

"River, what's going on?"

"Amy, look at how long her hair is, and ask what age he is."

That made me curious, touching my long mass of dark curls as the Doctor was offended. "That's a bit personal."

"Tell her." She demanded as yet again my telepathy failed to breach her mind, Wild Cat and Rory having now been taught to build a strong mental block also. The Doctor had learned the hard way that they were important for companions to know. "Tell her what age you are."

"Nine hundred and nine. Sissy is three hundred and ninety four." Was I? I didn't keep track of that, there was very little of me left mortal enough to care.

Now River's eyes moved to me again as I held myself taller and readied myself to cushion another blow. "So where does that leave us, huh, El? Jim the Fish? Have we done Jim the fish yet?"

Divinity already tried to eat my lake fish, I'd revoked her access to my new server room to prevent further aquatic encounters. "Jim the Fish?"

"I don't understand."

"Yeah, you do."

My brother was annoyed at the lack of attention. "I don't! What are we all doing here and why slap LizBeth?" People slapped me as I was usually blamed for you.

The angry Professor was doing very well to hold her tongue. "We've been recruited. Something to do with space 1969, and a man called Canton Everett Delaware the third."

I narrowed my dark hazel eyes as they changed to her grey blue, letting her know I knew something had happened and I would definitely be working it out. "Recruited by who?"

"Someone who trusts your brother more than anybody else in the universe."

Well, they were an idiot. "And who is that?"


Instantly rolling my eyes, I lead them back to the TARDIS, planning on getting answers one way or another. "1969, I find that one easy. Unlike 1482, which is for some reason full of glitches, either due to you or the Monk, Brother. Now, there have clearly been three Canton Everett Delaware's, but." All but the Doctor and Fy Annwyl had retreated under my console. If they broke something... "Fy Annwyl, is everyone annoyed with me for some reason?"

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