Chapter 23: Love from the heart

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The sky was open wide like a blank blue canvas. There were pecks of white clouds, scattering across the horizon. The sun was bright but it was not scorching as it seemed. Beautiful day as the wind whirled around heading to its endless destination.

Hills of greens with earthy smell filled the atmosphere. There, stood a young man in white. Smiling towards another man. He walked slowly towards the other man.

As he was approaching the man, he saw this perfect figure of a man. Smooth porcelain skin, beautiful chestnut brown eyes, plump lips and he was effortlessly looking attractive.

He stood before the man. He took his hand. Slowly, brought the hand towards his lips and gave it a peck. The other man was pleased. Then, the man squeezed himself in the arms of the other man.

" I miss you Nathan.. "

A whisper that made Nathan felt so happy. He closed his eyes and tighten the hug. To his surprise, when he opened his eyes, he was on his bed, hugging his pillow.

" What a beautiful dream.. "

He talked to himself as he started to smile, thinking about his love.

*Ting dong*

A sudden doorbell rang and the sound resonated in his apartment. He got out from his bed and walked to get the door.

He opened the door slowly and saw Nick and Tony, stood by the door. Nick was looking devastated with his nose looked reddish and his eyes were puffy. Tony was looking down as he tried to keep it together.

" Hey, what are you guys doing here on an early morning weekend ?" Nathan asked his friends.

Tony and Nick exchanged their stares. Tony put his arm around Nick's body to give him strength. He nodded to Nick to indicate that they should tell the news. Nick collected all his thoughts and feelings and took a deep breath,

" Sam died. "

Nick's voice cracked as his tears welled from deep inside and flowed down his cheeks like a river escaping the dam.

Nathan felt a hard tug in his heart. The world just stopped. He moved backward as he was not believing to what Nick had just said. All worst thoughts, his worst dreams and his worst feeling emerged to take over him.

He felt numb. He could hold the heartbreak no longer and he fell to the floor in a disheveled heap as his grief poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears.

" Nathan ! "

Tony shrieked. He went in and helped his buddy to sit up.

" It can't be. IT CAN'T BE. I JUST SAW HIM SMILING TO ME IN MY DREAM !" Nathan was absolutely in denial.

Nick sat beside him and said,

" I'm so sorry Nathan.. I'm sorry.." His voice cracked as he tried to comfort Nathan.

Nathan was totally in shock. His brain could not process the information. His breaths were sharp and fast.

" He died last night. Heart failure.." Nick sobbed because his life long best friend just left him.

Nathan sobbed harder as his hands were trembling from shock. Tony broke down into tears alongside his best friend.

The morning saddened as the storm brought out its army to pour a heavy rain. The wind was blowing hard as if it was against the loss of Sam. A loved young man lost his battles. Lost to his mother. Lost to the world.


The funeral took place in a funeral parlour home. Everyone was wearing black and all sorts of condolences bouquets filled the place. The room was filled with silent sniffles and cries.

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