Chapter 17 : I am Her

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White uniforms could be seen everywhere as it was quite busy morning. Various of sounds could be heard. Crying. Laughing. Coughing. Talking. Sam waded his way through the people and went straight to the heart specialist for his check up.

He stood in front of the nurse's desk and handed his medical card to the nurse behind the desk. She welcomed him with a pleasant smile.

" It has been almost a year. How are you ? " the nurse remembered him as she was in charge of taking care of Sam when he was staying in the hospital.

" Good.. Never been better.. Glad to see you again miss.. " Sam replied as he cracked a weak smile.

" Madam now.. hehehe. I just got married last month.." the nurse chuckled as she typed in some data into the database of the hospital.

" Ohh.. That's wonderful ! Congrats ! " Sam exclaimed.

"Here, take this and you may enter doctor's room. I'm glad that you are doing great ! and Thank you ! " the sweet nurse replied.

Sam took the card and walked towards the doctor's room. He stopped right in front of the room. Staring at his card and back to the door. Thinking about his life.

' Why didn't I just die before ? '

After few seconds into the thought, he took a deep breath and released it slowly. Then, he entered the room and was greeted by a warm smile from the doctor who did the surgery for his heart transplant.

" Ahh.. Sam.. Sit down. Sit down.. " the doctor invited him to sit.

Sam handed his card as he sat down. The doctor started off the check up.

" Can you lift your shirt up ?"

The doctor put on his stethoscope and ready to check Sam's heart beats per minute. A shockingly cold of the metal stethoscope touched Sam's warm chest. The doctor moved the position of the stethoscope around the chest to make sure Sam's heart is beating well. Then, the heart screening continued with a proper machinery.


The atmosphere was dreamy and windy. Chill breeze brushed the young man's cheeks as if the mother nature wanted to show her love. Nick found himself looking at the stunning sunset by the ocean. The sun was touching the horizon, blending it's light into the ocean as if someone painted it perfectly.

Nick felt so calm just by looking at the sunset. A sudden warm hug coming from behind him.

" Aah.. I love this, Babe.." a familiar voice made Nick flustered.

He turned his head to figure out who that was. The face that he hated once was right before his eyes, Tony. Instantly, he pushed the man away.

" What are you doing here ?!" Nick shrieked while his eyes were shaking.

The back hug was actually making him more secured and safe.

" What do you mean ? I'm your boyfriend. I'm supposed to be here, with you !" Tony replied as he tried to reach for Nick's hands.

Nick avoided Tony's hands.

" You're my boyfriend ?! NOOOOOOO!!!"

Nick screamed out as he sat up from his bed. He looked around to look, thinking Tony was in the room. He realized he was in his room. It was only a dream.

" Why I dreamt of him ? NO ! NO !" Nick refused to believe that he thought about Tony a lot till he dreamt of the man.

Then, he heard a familiar laughter. It sounded like Tony.

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