Chapter 3 : Humiliated

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The trees were swaying with the melody of birds chirping. The leaves sounded like they were clapping and rustling as the wind greeted them. Sam walked down the path, alone. He was still in his patient's wardrobe. He decided to take a walk at the hospital's park. He spotted a lady on a wooden bench.

She was looking down to the ground. She seemed to be trembling. Sam walked closer to the lady till he could listen her weeping voice. Sam really wanted to ask the lady so, he sat beside the lady.

" Um.. Miss ? Are you okay ?" Sam asked.

The lady stopped crying and wiped her tears. She looked up to Sam's face. Sam knew her face but couldn't remembered where he saw her before.

" I'm okay.. Just something miserable happened to me and I don't know what to do.. " her voice was trembling.

" Hmm.. If this makes you feel better, I have a bad heart condition and I might die anytime soon. You should enjoy your life. Even if you had a miserable experience, it doesn't define who you are," Sam calmly said to the lady.

The lady smiled. Her smile was weak but a good indicator of a slight happiness sparked in her heart. She sighed and looked to the sky. The blue sky with a fresh decorations of fluffy clouds made her felt calmer.

" You know, if things get worse, I might kill myself. Perhaps that is the only way for me to escape this cruel world," the lady said softly and casually.

Sam was surprised to hear that from her mouth.

" Why would you say that ? You should be strong and don't give up. Not all people can live a normal life like you do," Sam replied the lady with his anxious tone.

The lady looked at him. She was beautiful. Why would a beautiful lady wanted to kill herself ? What happened to her ? Who made her think that way ? All those questions repeated asked in Sam's mind.

" Listen, whatever happened to you, both of us know it is not okay to attempt a suicide. I want you to promise me just be happy," Sam showed the lady his pinky finger.

The lady wrapped her pinky finger around Sam's and nodded. Smile on her face made Sam assured that she was okay. Then, some children were giggling behind Sam that made him turned around and looked. He was jealous of those children that played with their father. They looked so happy playing around.

" Hey look-" Sam wanted to tell the lady about the children but she was not there. Gone. Sam looked around and found nothing but something on the bench. A stalk of red rose. Sam took it and observed it.

" Sam .. Wake up, " a gentle voice woke Sam up.

Sam opened his eyes slowly and looked at the nurse. She wanted to change his sterile water. Meeting the lady was a dream. Sam wondered what was the dream trying to tell him. A bizarre dream for him. It was like a message but he couldn't figure it out.


" Is that really her ?" a girl asked her friend while looking at the phone.

Her friend shook her head and raised her shoulder. All the students in the class murmured as they looked at their phones. Some of them couldn't believed the photo but some believed. It might be something to do with someone in the class. Everything is at the tip of one's finger.

Rosie came in the class. First thing she realized was all eyes were on her. She got intimidated by her classmates. She slowly walked to an empty seat while cautiously looked around.

" Well , well , well... Here comes the slut ... Be careful everyone , we have slut in town !" a loud annoying girl came to Rosie and teased her.

Rosie was panicked. Her eyes were shaking. She gasped as the girl touched her shoulder. She turned around and looked at the girl. A girl that always picked a fight with her. Always compete for her position. Wanted to be the spotlight more than Rosie.

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