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Tears are poring down my cheeks, as I barely myself in his shirt,  he leans down and kisses the top of my head, he rubs my back in soothing motion, the room is silent, pulling my head from his chest, I whip away my tears, "Alright let's get you home" pep says walking over to us with a big smile, happy opens the door I get in first with My dad next to me and pep on the end, leaning my head in his shoulder, he wraps his good arm around my shoulder.

"Happy Hospital" pep ask as we pull out "No, I'm fine-" "No your Not" pep rebuttals against his wish "I want one of 2 thing's, One a press conference, 2 an American Chess burger" chuckling that's just like my dad "But Tony-" "Happy Drive, Cheeseburger First" his face is claim, as happy pulls off. The car ride is silent "your Hair is Really Long" dad says running his hands throw it "Yea, I kinda haven't cut t in months" rubbing the back of my neck a little bashful "How Come" he ask with an raised eyebrow looking down at the hands in my lap, messing with my fingers "I Thought you were gone, so I slipped into a deep depression and stayed in my room, not talking to anyone"  pulling me back to his chest again, "I'm sorry, Alex That you had to go throw this, I promise it won't ever happen again" I can't help the smile on my face as we pull into a burger king. We get 5 burgers and against my, but not the will of my stomach dad buys me fries and chicken strips.

Getting to his press conference, Obadiah is their waiting on us, I haven't seen him since I punched him in the face, it looks like his jaw is better, getting out first, than my dad at last pepper, the cramps are going off like crazy, Since the Stark Family has been recluse for months, ignoring the carma people was we walk into the large building, "Wanna come in with us" he ask with a mouth full of burger "you know it not nice to talk with your mouthful" I say butting into a fry, he sticks his tongue out at me with half eaten burger, shelving my mouth full of fires and chicken I do the same, "Gross Not very lady like" sleepwalking his food, "When I'm I ever lady like" settling on the couch "your not coming in" grabbing another burger "Nah" sipping my soda, "Alright, have fun" walking throw the door, putting my feet up in the table Turing on the t.v. to see the press conference he's setting on the floor with everyone else "I was the Weapons, I created to protect my country used for horrible purpose" grabbing my drink, he let's out a breath "That's why I'm closing the Weapons Process, effective immediately " choking on my drink, I can hear the Press yelling from here "WHAT" getting up I run to the conference room hoping the door as just as their walking out, "Tony you can't be serious" Obadiah says walking out with pep behind him "I am serious, you didn't see what I saw so I believe this is the best option" walking pass us back into the car, "Wow, I'd never through I see the day" throwing of Trash away, following him out, with pep "Happy stark industry".

After dropping off dad at Stark industry, I was happy to take me home so I can clean my room, while pep deals with the press. Closing my door behind me getting out my dress up clothes slipping on a air of shorts and a shirt, "Well this is gonna take awhile" I think to myself, I start with the glass all over the floor first.

3 hours later

Throwing away the last piece of shredded clothing, it almost looks like my room again, just it's still snowy, "Well now I need to go clothes shopping Tomorrow" grabbing the bag trying it, taking it out front to the trash, "Miss, Tony would like to see you in his lab" Jarvis says, "um Okay" leaving the bag in my room, walking down the steps to the lab, since it glass I can see right throw, and I see something settling in the center of his chest "What's That" opening the door, "What's what?" "Stop using the jet eye mind trick" I ask walking up to him "that thing setting in your chest......it looks like" "A mini arc reactor" "Well why is it in your chest" I say poking it "it's keeps a piece of metal, from passing throw my heart" looking me in the eye "Well I saw it's doing it's job keeping you alive" giving him a soft smile rocking back in my heels "This is just a prototype, I'm making a better one and your gonna help me make it" giving him a confused look, "please" giving me the puppy eye's? Crossing my arm's "Fine,but I can't be blamed if something goes wrong".

Their it is, Sorry it took so long but you know. Phone troubles it might me a little far sketched haven't been feeling well lately.

Till Next Time.........See Ya!

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