Welcome home

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Looking at my self, in the broken remains of my mirror, I see the tired lifeless eye's, Long shaggy white hair, sighing I walk back into my room, stepping over glass, I turn to go to my bed but instead, I open the balcony doors and sit on the railing under the warm Florida sun, He's been gone for a while now, that I've stop keeping track of how many day's have gone by, I've pretty Much cut everyone off after The Obaidah incident, Pepper still comes in my room with food now and again but we don't talk.  Sighing I scoot over to the side of the house leaning against the wall, on leg dangling over the ledge the other is properd up with my arm resting on it, leaning my head against the wall closing my eye's I relax "Mabey, I should just expect that he's gone" talking out loud to my self, Chuckling "I'm talking to my self again ain't I Mom" it a bad habit sometimes I'll even have an argument with my self, setting in silence when, My door praclty gets beat down, and pepper runs in, "Alex, Alex" "Out here" he runs out with tears in her Eye's but a smile on her face "They Found him, Alex" "They Found him" slipping off the balcony standing infornt of her, nodding I can feel the smile on.my face, They Found him, they really did just when I was about to lose hope, I can my eye's Start to Sting as pep pulls me into a hug, crying tears of joy with me, "Get dressed Were going to meet him at the Air force Base" She pulls away walking back into my room shuffling throw ripped clothes "Looking For This, Miss" Jarvis Voice says a robotic arm holds out a bag, taking the bag it's my new dress shoes and jacket "Have I ever mention how great you are Jarvis" getting undress and slipping on the clothes "Happy, To see you up and Around Alice" smiling that was my nickname before me and Tony started to hate each other, the dress is a bit lose, the shoes and leggings fit perfectly and the jacket running out the room and out the front door, Were happy is waiting with a car "Hi happy" I give him a warm smile, "It great to see you up and about kid" he plates me in the head closing the door behind me sliding next to pepper, happy pulls out and we're off the Air force base.

The car ride is quite but a comfortable one, pulling into the massive size building, a theirs people standing all around, as a plane enters the hanger, piling out the car, pep walks to the back of the plane waiting for it to open, the large back door opens and at the top of the ramp is Rodey and My dad Tony he's he has a few minor cuts and his arm is in a sling, they I'm standing behind a few people. Stopping infornt of pepper they talk, He starts looking around fantly "Alex, Where is she" he yells still yelling my name, a hand come down on shoulder it happys that's when he pushes me out in front of everyone, catching my balance my heels clicking on the floor, draws attention to, Even Tonys he takes off. Running full speed, slowing down infornt of me to grab me in his arm's crashing me to his chest "Thank God, Your alright" he holds tight "Alice, I'm so sorry about the way I've treated you all these year's, I love you with all my heart Baby Girl, I know I wasn't the best father but from now on I'm going to try please forgive me" he starts to shake, and his tears drip into my hair, shocked "he's sorry" my arms move by them selves wrapping around his middle holding him tight "I love you Too dad".

Got lazy, And I was doing Tom Hiddleston Imagines so got pushed to the back.

But here it is for your enjoyment, and I want to Thank everyone for reading Empty House, it's means a lot Thanks again.

Until Next Time........See Ya!

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