Whole in the Chest

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Wow, over 100 reads I just wanna say thanks you guys are the greatest EVER don't let anyone tell you different

"I'm not sticking my hand in there" I say as dad lays down on a chair leaned back, shirt off and hair slicked back, with his new reactor in his hands, After a late night helping him yesterday we finished his Reactor at 6 in the morning , But now he needs someone with small hands to place it in, "What are you Scared?" he ask looking at me crossing my arm's still in my pajamas which consists of black shorts and a blue shirt, my hair tied in a low ponytail "It's not that I'm sacred, it's more or less I'm reaching into your Chest and that's pretty gross if you ask me" looking him in the eye, hopping on top of a near by desk crossing my legs under me, "Than who I am I gonna get" he ask settling up leaning on his legs thinking who we can get, "PEPPER" we say at the same time, "Jarvis Pepper" he says after a few seconds pepper voice is Hurd over to speakers "Hey, How big are your Hands" dad ask fiddling with his reactor "What, what kinda of questions is that" "Just come down the lab" leaning back on his chair "So what are you gonna do with your Hair" "I actually like it like this" I say playing with a few stands "Well with long hair you look just like your Mom" he says as the lab door opens up and pep walks in "Just like My Mom, I Wonder if her hair was white too" I think to myself I don't really remember what she looked liked, So caught up with my thoughts that I don't notice that pepper hand is in dad's chest until a dizzying noise is Hurd, coming back down peps in a panick "Don't put it back in" he says urgently as she sets somthing to the side covered in somthing that I can smell from here. "I think I'm gonna be sick" she says putting in the new piece "Well I'm traumatised for the rest of my life, how about you pepper" I say leaning back on my hands but she just gives me a oh be quite look "Well I've grown bored, and require a me day, I'll see you later Dad" hopping off the desk going up to my room changing my clothes.

Tony 's pov

"What are you gonna do with this" pepper ask me grabbing my shirt "Destroy it, don't need it" I say tapping my new chest piece "Well I think it will be a good keep sake" she says walking out the room with the reactor in hand, leaning on the table "Jarvis" walking over to my hot rod settling down in the seat "Yes Sir" "Do you have Any Pictures of Sarah" I say leaning back running a hand throw my hair "A few Sir, Would you like the Windows shut?" "Yes" the shades on the Windows lower and the room is casted in darkness. A few seconds later a large picture of me and Sarah lights up infornt of me, leaning forward.

Where pressed cheek to cheek with large smilies on our faces her long white hair is out and flowing, with her Crystal blue eye's that I loved to get lost in, were settled under a large oak tree her arm's are wrapped around my neck. Moving the Picture to the side Theirs another one It was Halloween and we where vampires well she was and I was her victim. Sighing settling back I close the photos and get out the car walking out the lab and up to my room, changing my pajama pants to jeans I slip on my sneakers and leather jacket with blue ray band's. Grabbing my car key's I head down to the garage getting in my red Audi. I pull out into the street's.

Parking I lean on the steering wheel and let out a huge breath, grabbing the purple Rose's from the set next to me I get out the car walking down the little strip I come to stand infornt of a large Angel statute kneeling down I place the flowers on her grave site "I know I haven't been the best father, But I promise you Sarah that I'll keep our little girl safe Even if it means my life" running my hand over the smooth marble "I promise you" leaning forward I kiss the edge standing straight I dust myself off and head back to my car "I have to for her".

Sorry it took so long I have limited phone access over some super Cray stuff but when I do have it you'll get your new chapters. Once again so so Sorry

Till Next Time........See Ya!

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