The Battle has just begun

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This Gonna be Good, I promise you that

Pepper Pov

Walking Swiftly Throw the Building Trying to Keep my cool I've been informed that Obhidia is In the Building But he's in sector 16 So i have to be in and Out. Reaching Tony's Office I close the door behind me sitting down at the large desk office typing in the password I going plugging in the flash drive opening it "sector 16? what are you up to Obadiah?"going throw a few files I start the download a video opens with a beaten and batter Tony his lip is bleeding as well as his head. theirs a man to the left talking but its in a different language hitting translate "You did not tell us the target you paid us to kill was the great tony stark" "as you see Obadiah stane" realization hits me tony was right someone was trying to kill him and it Obadiah "oh my God" "as you see Obadiah stane your deception and lies has cost you, the Price for Killing Tony Stark has gone Up".

The opens up hitting the mute button it's the last person in the world I want to see me heart raise beating in my ear drums like a marching band I'm sure obadiha can he this as well causing walking into the room over to Tony's bar I slid todays newspaper over top of the drive and bring back the wallpaper on the screen "what are we gonna do about this" Turing his back to me at Tony's Always fully stocked bar pouring himself a drink hitting the screen saver I uses today's news paper to cover the flash drive "I know what your going throw Pepper" Turing to look at me.

"Tony always has the good stuff doesn't he? I was so happy when he came home" taking a sip of his rum swirling his glass around looking down "It was like we got him back from the dead, now I relies we never really did get him back theirs still a part of him in that cave it breaks my heart" setting his glass down on the desk leaning on it "well He's a complicated man, he's been throw a lot I'm sure he'll make it throw" standing up I pull out the file slinging my purse over my shoulder walking past him when he grabs my shoulder "you a very rear woman, tony doesn't know how lucky he is" "thank you, I'd better get back their" walking to the door 'is That todays paper" I swear he can my heart beating "yes" "do you mind, puzzle" heading him the paper I use a trick of the hand I learned from Alex when she was really into magic "of not, here" handing it to him I walk out the door shacking the drive out my sleeve I bump into agent Coulson "miss Potts we hand appointment for today, did you forget" "nope where gonna have it right now follow me" "right now" "right now".

Obadiah Pov

walking back over to the computer after pepper left bring it back to life the screen reads download completed, "shit" slamming my hands on the desk the plan is back firing walking out the room not before fixing my jacket like nothings wrong. going down to sector 16 where my men are working on rebuilding Tony's first suit walking throw the door when the head science come over "Mr. stane, sir we've explored what you've asked of us and their seems to be a little hiccup "a hiccup" crossing my arm's over my chest "yes, sir the power we need for the suit doesn't exist yet" "William, here is the Technology department head just make it smaller" guesting to the large arc reactor over top "Okay sir, what your saying in honestly impossible" "TONY STARK WAS ABLE TO BUILD IN A CAVE, with a box of scarps" I scream at him "I'm sorry sir I'm not tony stark" he walks off as everyone gets back to what they were doing " he's right he's not tony stark, the really tony has his in his chest".

Walking out the room I grab to guard's that work for me "Go collect Tony's Brat" I say nodding they walk off "Can't have her getting in the way of my plan," grabbing the silencer from my pocket "Drastic Time's cause for Drastic measures".

Two POV I've never really done in this story it's getting up to the big climax seen and I might throw A CERIN SOMEONE in their cough cough wink wink.

getting closer and closer

Till Next Time........See Ya!

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