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Alex pov

Opening my eye's, blinking them my vision comes into focus, I find my self looking at A few of my bedroom posters, One for adventure Time, Fairy tail, ACDC, Green day and falling in reverse.

Setting up, but a pain shoots to my head so I flop back down, "What happened" I ask out loud, I rack throw my memory, Than it hits me like a thousand pound's, He's gone My dad is gone and he might not ever return. "Mom what if he's gone" I speck out loud "I've already lost you, I can't handle lose in him too" the tears start to trickle down my cheeks, "I'm Sorry Dad for everything, If you come home I'm be a better daughter I promise" I choke out between sobs, my body is starting to shake "Just please come home safe, Please", The temperature in the room drops, and somthing falls on my face, looking around it's snowing in my room lifting my arm I play with a falling snowflake, a sad smile pulls at my lips "if he was here now he'd be super pissed" my eye's Start to drop dropping my arm I turn to my side and curl into a ball falling into an uneasy sleep dreamless sleep.

A few days later

Leaning against my bedpost, creating ice icicles throwing them at the wall, My room looks like a winter wonderland with snow on the floor and steady falling snow, I haven't left my room in about 5 day's pepper and Rodey come by trying to remove me from my cave of solitude but I'm not bugging theirs a plate of food but it's pretty much frozen, I've been using my powers quite a lot lately, My hair hasn't be cut lately so it's a little longer and shaggy my bangs cover my eye's , I'm in a pair of black track pants and a hunter green t shirt. The rooms an eary quiet, when someone knocks on the door "Alex?" Pepper opens the door fully letting herself in "Their pizza down stairs, will you please come down" I can hear the hurt in her voice, I've might of tuned cold to everyone else but I still have a soft spot for pepper, "Sure" I slide off my bed my barefeet crunching in the snowy floor. Following her out it's about mid day walking down the steps and past the livingroom, They got a new couch after I lost control setting down at the counter, Obaidah and Rodey are here "nice to see you out of your cave Miss" javirs says "great to see you again, kid" Rodey gives me a slice of buffalo chicken pizza and a glass of soda, my stomach growls telling that I haven't eaten "Trader" I think to myself as I grab my pizza and start eating, By the time I'm done I've had 6 slices and 3 cups of soda, but I haven't said a word to anyone sliding off the chair I start my way back to my room when pepper stops me "Alex would you like to watch a movie or something" "The carnival is in town" Pep and rodes try to bait me not to return to my room shaking my head I keep walking when Obaidah slams down his glass "Look, you've mopped enough Alexandria, It's time to grow up and realise that he's not coming back, this isn't the first time you've lost someone so get over it" my hands are clench into fist at mysides so tight I can feel my nails digging into my skin, I can hear his shoes stop behind me. Before I can stop my self I whip around my fist connecting with his jaw, Making a cracking sound, knocking him to the floor "Alex, Obaidah" pepper gasps and rodes helps him up Turing back I start back to my room I'm at the top of the steps when he opens his mouth again "That's quite the punch-" making an ice icicle throwing it, it lands an inche from his ear, Turing around my arm's crossed over my chest and an evil smirk on my face, I look at the shocked faces of everyone "Didn't your mother ever tell you if don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all, so if you want on in the shoulder tell me, other than at leave me alone" I slam my door shut, My blood is still boiling and I Snap throwing ice at everything, If it's not broken in half it's frozen, shredded or in thousands of little pieces. My T.V is spilt down the middle theirs holes in the walls my bed is covered in ice and anything made of glass is shattered allover the floors. Claiming down. I climb out the window to the other side of the house to my dad's room, I come here everyone in a while just to give my a little hope that he might return coming throw the window Jarvis leaves open from me.  My feet land on soft black carpet and my hands run over the sheets "I still believe you'll come home dad".

She stole Obaidah super hard, so but I need somthing to cause a little tension in the house until I bring back Tony.
So how was it?

Till Next Time........See Ya!

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