the Next MIssion

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Tony POV

it's still early in the morning pepper not here yet and I believe Alex is sill sleep. walking out back to the white sandy beach I enjoy the quite letting go a large breath "wow this is boring, is this what normal people do everyday their lives must suck" taking sip of my coffee I walk back in side tracking sand "J sand, back door" setting my cup down on the counter grabbing my tablet hopping on top of the counter "sir you might want to come to the gym" he says looking up at the celling I don't question it walking to the guy down the other hallway I hear a faint music coming to the glass wall I see Alex just standing their "Jarvis, what seems to be the problem" "just watch sir" sighing I keep watching she snaps up and starts fighting it looks like against it looks like holograms watching her is staring to get boring when she creates a dagger in her hand throwing it she doing back flips, kicks and punches like she's been doing them her whole life. she finishes with a kick to a hologram she flops down on the mat she seems happy about her fighting. Folding my arm's i walk away leaving her alone with her fighting "I wonder If she can teach me how to fight" i wonder going down up stairs to my room to change into a pair of work clothes.

Later in the Day

"Jarvis Can you send pepper down here" I ask throwing a shard of metal on my desk in a white long sleeve shirt black jeans and boots "as you wish Sir" leaning back in my chair Alex went out for the day saying about broken skateboard and light up wheels and a Slingshot but she was running out and I was barely paying attention " you called for me" pep comes down stairs " Yeah I need you to run an errand for me for me" reaching into the desk behind me pulling out a flash drive " I need you to go the company to my computer that password is Alexandra Maria-Rose Stark" the file that your looking for will most likely be under a classified folder" "tony what are you talking about" she ask with a confused look in her eye.

"I think my weapons are being sold under the table, that's was my team was chaptered "what like someone wanted you out of the way?, who would do that" "Obhidia now the only thing I need is proof" " and what happens when you get this proof that they've selling weapons under the table" she fettles with the device in her hands leaning back in my chair "Same drill, they been dealing under the table so I'm going stop them, and find my weapons the file will probley be under an inscribed cover or a ghost File" standing up I walk over to a new suit I've been working on "Tony you know that I would help you with anything, but I can't help you if you start this all again" whipping around to face her in a huff hoping shell understand "there noting excepts this their no art opening, theirs no benefit theirs noting to sign there's only the next mission.

A look of pain flashes across her face wishing I could take that last part back but I know I can't "is that So, what about Happy, Rode, me what about Alex? and if that's the case I quit" Theirs an uneasy silence in the room "You stood by my side all these year's Helping and watched me reap the distrontion I've sown you raised my only child from a little baby to the great woman she is today and just going to quit just like that after everything you've put into this family, please try to understand I just want to help the people I've put in harms way" standing in inches from her she doesn't look up from the floor "you're going to kill yourself Tony, and I wont stand here and watch" looking up at me with her blue eye's that hold a pain I've never see before " I shouldn't be alive, unless it was for a reason I'm not crazy pep I just finally know what have to do and I know in my heart that's right. But I can't do it with out you" she runs a hand throw her hair sighing she turns walking up the steps "your all I have too you know" she says before leaving.

plopping back down in my office chair "that was an amazing speech dad" Alex says peaking around the counter leaning on my arms that are resting on my leg's she come to sit on top of my desk her legs crossed under her "But I can't have you go and dying on me dad" looking up her arms are fooled over her chest '" Not for a long Time Alex, and beside if I go now your mother would kill me again" making her giggle hoping her doesn't notice the sureness in my voice " So dad how long have you liked pepper" she ask making me perk up "your crazy I don't like pepper" getting up "sure you do it written all over your face every time you talk to her" I feel the blush on my cheeks "awe is that a blush I see" she teases me "Dad likes Pepper, Dad Likes Pepper" she chants around the room sighing smacking my forehead "it's alright dad I know pepper likes you too" she desterilizes into a stream of snow going out the door "No more Sherlock Holmes for you" I yell.

Getting close to the end. Is it sad yes But that means i can start on the next story

2.12k you guy's are awesomeness at it's fine it like Robert downey jr. Awesome and i dont say that about anyone excerpt Robert Downey Jr.

Till Next Time.......See Ya!

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