I am Iron Man

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Alex Pov

My Leg's are crosed infront of me on the table while I flick throw the TV Channels "Iron Man Has a Nice Ring to it" Dad say's folding down his News Paper. It's been a few day's since the Obhidia Thing and our wounds are pretty much healed "No, it doesn't" Pep says covering up a few bruised "What Yeah it Does Alex What's you Opinion" opening my mouth "She already agrees" "What's the point of asking me somthing if your gonna answer it for me" looking at him with a arched eye brow "But, it does have a Nice Ring to it" the Door opens up and A Man in a suit walks In "Here" he hands pepper a Few note card's "Stick to the Card's, the Explosion at Stark Lab's was an accidentally a miss Happ, We have 5 Witnesses Putting you 3 In the Bahamas on your Own Personal Boat for 3 Day's" he says folding his hands behind his back.

Taking the Card's from pepper looking throw them. "This could actually Work" turing to dad showing him the Card's as we go throw them. "You Know Every Superhero Needs a Girlfriend one that would always worries, one That he's deeply in love with" he says the note card's in his mouth as pep helps him with his Jacket. "Wow, He's So in Love with Her" i think in my head watching them "And everyone needs a side kick" he says turing to me "Side Kick, Dad don't think so low of
yourself"  i joke patting his back as he smiles. He walks to the door to the press conference Switching the TV to the conference just in Time "I think I'll stick to the note Card's this Time" he jokes as pep stands next to me crossing my arm's over my rolling stones Tee shirt "He gonna Tell Him" i say "He not gonna tell Him" she fights Back "Who's gonna tell who" Happy walks throw the door "Dad's gonna tell the world he's ironman" "Yep" happy crosses his arm's "What he would Not, I know your father Alex and he wouldn't" "20 Buck's Say's He does" "Deal" offering my hand we shake on it turing back to the Tv "Would assume that I'm a Super hero" he says to the blond reported he had a one night stand with "What was her name again, Charlotte, Carlton?" i think to myself.

Focusing back to the T.v. Their's a Pause "The Truth Is" he pauses it super Dramatic "I' am Ironman" he say's as the reporter's go wild "Told Ya" i say as pepper Gives me 20 Bucks. The Doors Open as dad walks out crmar flashes are as bright as day "Couldn't keep to the Card's. Hun Dad" I ask "What Ironman Deveevers a Face, One as handsome as Mine" draping his arm Over my shoulders "Come On, Let's Go eat Something" we walk out the room with happy and pepper with us.

Later That Night

Happy Just Dropped Us off at Home it was a wired Dad apertly dad was paning to tell the world the whole Time. Walking into the house it's dark "I am Ironman" i voice says throw the dark creating a dagger in my hand i get ready to throw it "That won't be necessary Alex" he says as the light's come on "My Name is Nick Fury And I'm the leader of a Screct organization Called S.H.E.I.L.D. and I'm here to talk to you two about the Avenger's Program" he say's handing dad a folder. As i sit on the couch

"The Avenger's program Is a Group of rag Tag Team of Extordnary People to fight the battles We Can't" he starts to explain.

After Fury explained the Program to us it seems pretty fun. Climbing up the stairs to my room. I see the light shinging from under my door and a shadow moving "Why do people find the need to break In here" I think frezzing my hand Slowly opening the Door theirs a Man in my room is back is turned to me in Green, Gold, and Black What looks like armour he's standing over my gold flowers "Who are you, and what are you doing in my room" i ask he turns getting a good look at him amd he's hot his skin is pale but not too palw his hair is slicked back his lips are thin and his eye's are a striking emerald Green, Waite I've seen thoes eye's before.

The ice on my hand melts away as he walks closer. Chuckling as he walks closer with the flick of his wrist a gold rose like the one's i have in my Vase he hands it to me. Towering over be a bit

"I'm Loki".

This is Kinda Sad for me, I Enjoyed writing Well Typeing this so Much at was A Great Time and a Prlivage.

I'm gonna Take a Break for a while I'll still Update on My Tom Hiddleston Imagines. But The Sequel to Empty House won't be out for a while.

I wanna Thank everyone Who Read and Voted for this Story.

Till Next Time.........See Ya!

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