New York Day Out

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Alex pov

"Come on Dad" I yell up the Steps waiting for him to get ready to Leave I've been up for hour's, I've flow to places before in planes And it always amazed me Now I get to fly without the whole Air craft, "Alright, Alright I'm Ready" he says coming down the Steps in a Black leather Jacket Blue Jeans, boots with a pair of Blue ray Band's on, "Finally" I yell getting up from the couch In a pair of Black Leggings With cLick High top converse with buckles a Green T shirt with a my trusty studded leather jacket "Could you be any longer" I whine he stops "I think I left Somthing in my room" he turns turns around to Go back up Stairs, But I grab his arm with hands pulling him lightly, Towards the Steps.

He follows me down to his lab, To his Suit. It setting in a Case With all it's silver Glory his Suit opens up and He steps inside "Ready" he ask as his Suit springs to life nodding he grabs me "Hold On" wrapping my arms around his neck He out stretches his hand.

Blasting throw the Whole in the roof "That Really Should be Fixed" I think to myself Turing my head I can't see anything letting go of dad I turn in his arm's "What are you doing" he ask I lay forward holding onto his arm's that holding my stomach "I want to See Too" looking around at the trees We jet pass a Group of bird's.

Reaching New York In Like 3 Minutes, landing on One of Dad's Buildings, On the balcony he let's be go first just a few feet of the ground, "Make Sure you don't go throw the floor" I yell over the jets "Very Funny" he lands a little less Than Graceful, "Ok, I Need you to help me get this thing off" he says grabbing the helmet I pull but it's not bugging pulling more forcefully it pop's off as we go flying backwards "Well This Is Gonna Be a Long Process" I Shrug off my Jacket helping dad Off the floor.

Happy First day of Spring. Even throw It's Snowing

930 Reader's I'm feel like crying with joy it's Just super Awesome, Thanks for Reading My Story You Guy's, Girl's Are Awesome.

Till Next Time........See Ya!

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