The Fight Part One

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Alex Pov

The house is quite like deathly quite thinking noting of it I playing with gold roses that Loki sent me you think I would be scared of a random man sending me flowers but I'm not for reasons unknown. I find it More like a forbidden Love "I wonder What He looks Like".

Flopping down on my bed staring at the ceiling Lost in through When My bedroom window opens Up and 3 Men in black amour Come flying In jump Up as they charge me. Giving a round house kick to one when I'm grabbed throwing my head back it collides with his face breaking his nose he loses his grip where I can turn kneeing him in the stomach He stumbles into my TV "Come on i just fucking replaced That" dodging a punch of one of them i Grab his Arm Elbowing him in The Ribs. Making him take a knee in pain Using it as a I kick him in the face shattering his jaw. Grabbing his shoulders I push him back. I'm tackled from behind and slammed into the ground with my arms pinned behind hind my back I struggle and fight against them when my bedroom door opens to show the fixed jaw of Obadiah smirking down at me "When I get out of this I'm going to kick your ass" I spit at him when something is jammed in my neck. the syringe is pulled out and everything starts to get blurry and fuzzy trying to keep conscious "sure you are" he kicks me in the side of the head as everything goes black

Tony pov

tacking town stairs at a time up into the living room it's dark Alex is up in her room watching anime. sitting down on the couch. when my phone on the coffee table rings answering hoping its peppers she should of been back by now answering the phone when a high pitched rings hits my ear drum and I cant move "Tony?, Tony are you there, hello" pepper yells into the phone trying to yells but my voice has been paralyzed and I cant speck.

"Easy, Easy" Obadiah says lowering m into the couch "you remember this one don't you, its a shame the government didn't approve of its terms" easing me down he comes to sit next to me "it's a shame There's so many applications

for causing short-term paralysis' he looks me in the eye pulling out his ear buds reaching to the side of the couch he pulls out a sliver suit case "you know tony when I ordered the hit out on you, I was worried that I was killing my golden goose But you see, it was just fate that you survived that. You had one last golden egg to give. Do you really think that just because you have an idea, it belongs to you? he pulls out a grabber placing it over my reactor with the little strength I have I grab his arm but he just pushed it away like it was nothing "your father gave us the atom bomb, now what kind of world would it be today if he was a shellfish as you'.

it sears throw my shirt and locks into the reactor Turing it he rips it out my chest with a force full tug "Oh, it's Beautiful" he twirls it and exams it like it a fine piece of jewelry "Tony, this is your Ninth Symphony. What a masterpiece. Look at that. This is your legacy. A new generation of weapons with this at its heart.

Weapons that will help steer the world back on course, put the balance of power in our hands. The right hands." placing it in the case he stands like its nothing but I can feel the scrapples getting closer and closer to my heart as the time goes by " I wish you could've seen my prototype. It's not as...Well, not as conservative as yours. Too bad you had to involve Pepper in this I would have preferred that she lived." he slipped his jacket on as 3 seat of combat boots I hear coming towards the living room Turing the corner their beaten batter like they lost a fight. one has something slung over his shoulder seeing a pack of white hair its Alex she unconscious "Your daughter did quite the number on my men Anthony,' trying to move to get her but I can't "don't worry Tony you'll see her again, you and her will be in the same place soon. shame she was always so pretty" he walks out the door with the 3 guy's in tow. I can move some but not enough to stop them slipping off the couch I try to craw to the door of my lab.

Sorry, Sorry MY phone is acting crazy so I need a new one but I don't have the money for it so I've been coming the library as much as I can to make sure they story goes under way.

once again Sorry, Just two more chapters I feel like im going to cry. it's just been so much fun.

Till Next Time......See YA!

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