The Fight (Part 2)

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This chapter is Going to be awesome I promise you that.

Tony POV

Slamming against the wall of the lab my skin is pale like paper, and I'm drenched in sweat hold my self up by unsteady arm's my legs since giving out I drop to the floor crawling my way over to my desk pushing the dolly out the way I need to get to the reactor on my desk. I can feel my self getting weaker and weaker the closer I get. cropping myself on the side of the desk I reach up to grab it but my hands are shaky and unsteady and I push it out the way of reach. sliding to the floor. "This is it" I think to myself "it's all over my sorry, pepper, I'm sorry Alex, and I apologize to you too Sarah I couldn't keep her Safe" panicking on the floor when the reactor is lowered down to me by dummy grabbing it he does that little turn of the head thing "Good Boy' bringing my arm back and covering my eye's I slam it on the ground shattering the glass into tiny pieces. removing it from it sliver holder I place it in my heart. before the world turns black.

Alex POV

My head hurts like hell, shaking it trying to pull myself out the darkness nope it just made it worst, opening my eye's I'm chained to the wall my heavy duty locks looking around I'm in a lab it's sector 16 "wow For an evil layer this none take the cake" I say looking around 'Aw, she finally awake< how do you feel" obhida ask " Like a sad old man trying to prove himself young, and get a girl 20 times younger than him and got beat up my a 17 year kicked me in the face" I say as he slaps me across the face "I would be careful at what you say" he gets in my face he gets close enough for me to head but him in the face breaking his nose "Forever getting beat up my a child Dame you life is sad" I say as he holds his bloody nose "But when my dad gets here he's gonna give you a worst beating than I can" crossing my leg's since I'm sitting on the floor " I wouldn't be so sure about that" he says turning around "see your father had something I deeply needed' and he was kind enough to give it too me' he turns around hold the arc reactor in his hands. pulling at the chains without that he'll die 'struggle all you want. its not gonna make a difference" he says letting my head drop and my mind think the worst that he's already dead. I won't believe it till I see it with my own eye's but for now I need to think of a way out "man it's hot in here" I think to myself I wish their was an AC. than it hits me like a sack of bricks "note to self slap for head after this is over" the tattoos on my arm's start to glow blue as freeze over the thick chains "this is gonna take up all my energy" I've never used this much of my powers before. but right now that doesn't matter I need to focus on getting out of here and making sure dad it alright.

Back TO Tony.

'Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony, Tony" Hearing a distance voice it's calling me but I can't quite place it. until I'm ripped out the dark by someone forcing me awake "TONY!" springing to life I grab onto rodey who's hovering over me "where's Pepper" I say grabbing onto him pull myself off the ground "it's ok she with five agents They're about to arrest Obadiah." "That's not going to be enough" I get up stumbling only for him to catch me.

Alex POV

The locks are completely frozen now I just need some type of distraction "sector 16, 16 16, Here it is" I voice says out side the door a woman's voice it's pepper. 'Wow talk about your timing". hearing a few other voices when the door is blown off it notifies obhida that theirs someone here breaking the cuffs as 5 agents with guns step inside standing up they point their guns to shoot me when an arm comes flying out the dark slamming them too the wall the agents start firing as I jump out the room landing infornt of pepper "Oh my God, Alex are you ok" she ask seeing my slowen cheeks of obhidas kick "I'm fine but we should get out of here, Like right Now!" I say with rushes urgency pushing her towards the front door "why" "cause of that" an agent comes flying out the door hitting the wall pushing her outside down the steps to the curb. It's Deathly Quite Out here when the ground starts to shake underneath Us as it breaks Open and a Super sad replica of Dad's suit comes out "Crap" it's Obhidia coming out the ground like something out of a horror movie he raise his hand to pepper to hit her when I cover his arm with ice jumping on the ground I freeze it creating a shell to keep him their. Moving infornt of pepper when the Ice breaks sending a thousand little piece our Way hold my arm's creating a shield to cover me and pep. Hearing the sound of jet turbo engines, in the distance I can't help but smirk as he's hit with Dad In his Iron man Suit. "Yes I Knew he was Ok".

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