Yeah, He's Fine

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Leaving the Cemetery, I start My journey Home. My mind working a mile a minute Coming to Stop a light " I'm gonna Protect them the question is How" the Light turns green and I pull off With an idea in my head.

Pulling into the garage, killing the engine Leaving my jacket and Ray band's in the passer seat, I start to Work On the beginning of my project grabbing the stool of to my work bench, staring with the leg first "Dummy, Get that box From the corner" I say taking off my shirt so I don't ruin it leaving me in a black tank Top, the robotic arm looks at me and go to get the box but not with out messing up a few things "Oh, I hate That Robot".

Alex pov

Bringing my clothes up to the Cashier to ring up it just a few thung, "Ok you total is 389.50 will hat be cash or credit" the lady says Ok so Mabey not a few thing's but it was some really cute thing's, grabbing my wallet out my hobo bag, grabbing my card handing it to her "Is That?" A says behind me ("No,No,No please don't let it be him") I yell in my head "Alexandra" Looking over my shoulder. It's Justin hammer, letting out a breath "Hi Mr. Hammer"  Turing to face him and always he has a lollipop in his mouth ("He's ruining candy for me") "What are you doing here, I though you'd be Home with your dad" he looks down at me " I am, I just stepped out for a minute to get some shopping done" Gesturing to my large amount of bags "I though Tony 's assistant did all the shopping, I mean that's what she's their for right" "Pep's more like our guardian, an assistant Mr. Hammer" giving him a leave me alone smile, which he doesn't even notice ("Wow, I really Hate Him") biting his lollipop "Please Alex me and Tony Are like family Call me Uncle Justin" he puts a hand on my shoulder ("Don't Throw-up, Don't Freak out, Don't Freak out and Throw up") I think in my head, I can praclty feel the vomit in my throat "Here's you bags miss, Thank you for shopping with us" The lady hands me my bags "Well I gotta get going" "Ok, Alex But if you ever Need anything just call your uncle Justin" he gives me a sideways hug kissing the top of my head, Than leaves me be. As soon as he's out of site I do a little dance of freaking out, I stop in mid freak out the cashier looks at me, grabbing my bags I head out the store out the mall and to my car "I need a shower, and a new head" closing the trunk I hop in the driver seat "I might need brain washing after what happens in that store" pulling out I speed home,

Reaching the house in no time, pulling into the drive way killing the engine grabbing the bags out the back, I walk throw the front Door, Pepper is Setting in the livingroom doing work "Hey, pep" I say putting my bags down getting a side from the fridge "Hey, How did your shopping go" she ask looking up from here work "Great Until I ran into Justin's Hammer" I ask taking a sip of my side to get rid of the back taste in my mouth from mister Hammer "What happend" she ask "I was at the Couter ringing up my things when he comes up behind shouting my name, Their is no time ever I wished I could turn invisible more in my life, so he starts talking, and he ask me To call him uncle Justin cause him and my dad were such good friends," she has a look of discuts on her face "Waite that's not the worst part, before he leaves he gives me a hug and kisses me on my head saying if I ever need anything to call my uncle Justin" I say throwing out my can "I Think I need to go wash" she says "Me too I just might get sick from that kiss, I was trying so hard not to throw up on his shoes" we laught "I would not have a problem with that" she says going back to work, grabbing my bags I head up stairs to put them away and shower so I don't get sick from his kiss.

Drying off my hair after my shower, I put all my stuff away, the room looks normal again, flopping down on my bed "Miss" "Yes, Jarvis" "I regret to inform you that your father is going to do somthing stupid, and might need mecital help" with a confused look on my face I get up walking out my room, down stairs to the lab it's about 10 so pep's left already, walking down the steps I get their in just enough time to see dad fly backwards and hit the wall And Dummy Shot him with the fire extinguisher . It's funny I'm praclty in the floor crying. 

Getting into the lab, he sets up a minute later his hair his white and all over the place, "Write that down" he says leaning on the table, controlling my laughter I kneel next to him "Dad you alright, How many fingers I am I holding up" "2"  it's actually 1 but Yeah he's Fine.

Got my phone Back for the Storm, I might be going on a family trip, So I don't know if I'll have my phone.

Sorry, For all you hammer fans out their, I felt like Justin Hammer had to be wired and Creepy.

Till Next Time........See Ya!

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