Boring Party's

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Party Time, boring adult party time anyway. They suck.

Till Next Time.....see ya!

Alex POV

Reaching The hall, the place is sounded by, News caster and Their Photographer's and dirty Hoe's Ready to throw them selves at my dad, for only to be a one nightstand, I'm pretty sure they know it's a one night stand They just wanna say they slept with Tony Stark. His limousine is in front of my Jag, the Door opens and Que Screaming whores he waves, after him than pepper gets out. Than is my turn pulling up, I hand my key's to the Kid, and walk up to the hall, Tony and Pepper are just a few feet before me, "Let's get this over with" I Think in my head, letting go a Huge breath I slap on the fakes smile I can, "And here she is now, my baby Girl" he says wrapping my his arm around my shoulder "Hi daddy" I kiss his cheek like the good little girl I Have to be "Alex here is the Apple of my eye she's my everything isn't that right" "It sure is daddy" "well we should go" we walk away, and as soon as where out of site of the photographer's I Pull my self from under his arm straightening my jacket "Really Apple of my eye" I roll my eye's "You should be one to talk" Dad says "Why am I even her pepper" I ask looking at her Dad is already inside "Because this is important for your dad, and I'm sure he wants you hear" "Pepper you know he hates me" I say as we walk inside and sit at a table "No he doesn't " she says patting my shoulder "what ever you say" the lights in the room dim and Obaidah walks on stage, with his bald self, something times I really think he wax's his head it's always so shine, I'm pretty sure some people at the table's in the front are blind right now, I slip off my jacket and cross my arm's over my chest, i can just image the people in the front wearing glasses right now, I chuckle a little pepper gives me a stop it look, Pepper is More like a second mom to me she's the only one besides Rodey Who actually care for me "Now I Present the man of the hour Tony stark" everyone claps and I just their emotionless. He starts talking but I zone out completely shutting out the world around me, Getting lost in my own Thoughts.

The light comes back on snapping me out my head and back to reality, theirs a standing ovation he must of said some really sweet thing's that I really could care less about, "I Need a drink" I walk over to the bar ordering a soda I'm Only 18 so I can't drown my problems in alcohol like most people so I just drink soda, candy and junk Food "Hello Alex" Obaidah comes to stand next to me at the bar "Obaidah" I don't even look at him "I didn't think you would come to something like this" "Don't flatter yourself I didn't come here for you, or my dad I came cause pepper ask me" I get off the stool to walk back over to my table he grabs my forearm "Watch who your talking to" he says trying to scare me "Or what you doing to tell my dad" I rip my arm out his grip and walk away "I really hate him" I think to myself, walking back over to the table and sit placing my head in my hand leaning on the table this is so boring "This is so boring" I'm talking to no one particular , I've sat here for a good 30 mins.

"I can't stay here" I grab my jacket slipping it on I find pepper, talking with a few other people tapping her in the shoulder "Can I Leave this place is boring"  letting hed head fall while sighing "once Tony leaves you can go" "you Mean once he comes up for air" I point over to him setting at the bar with his tounge down this girls through who probably 9 year's younger than him with an I.q the a slice of ham, "yea you can go" "I'll be at the Ritz if you need me" I walk outside and up to valet to get my car, That's when a High pitched scream sounds behind me.

"Dame it" I say under my breath, Turing around to find my dad with a girl years younger than him under his arm, she dress is too short and tight, I can smell her from here she smells like a whole bottle of whiskey and with a Shit load of cheap perfume "This is your daughter She's so cute" he jumps up and down  he chest bouncing with her "yep this is the Apple of my eye Alex" he walks over and gives me a hug "I don't want you home to night" "No one wants hear you and your next conquest" I say back he lets me go and stand next to her "Are you coming home tonight alex" she ask "No, I was going to meet up with someone friends" I say my car pulls up just in time, walking to the drives side, I climb in my baby and pull off to the out the hall down the street and to the Ritz "I hate him I really hate him" I say it's days like this I wish my mom was still alive.

It's about 11:00 when I get into the heart of Malibu, the hotel isn't far, But I take a left turn into the cemetery, driving down the little road, I stop under a Huge tree, stepping out my car, I take off my heels holding them in my hand, I walk to a grave with a Huge angel tume stone, the marble is flawless, running my hands over the words it says "here lays Sarah Stacey Fox from. December,15, 1979 to October. 12, 1998 , Mother ,Wife, girlfriend and bestfriend, May she forever live on I'm our hearts" Sighing I set down on the dry grass, "Hi mom" I place my heels next to me, "how have you been, you know being that your in a hole in the ground" I chuckle a little it's something I've always done, to keep from breaking down, Letting go of a breath "I can't be in that house anymore with him, he doesn't even care about me I only have Pepper and Rodey their like my parent's if anyone asked me who my dad was when I was little in would say Rodey Tony wasn't even around, and when he was he would ignore me like I didn't exist" I drop my head low, as I feel the tears building in the back of my eye's "Why did you have to go, why did I have to be stuck with him, he could careless if I died or not, I miss the old day's where it was just me and you atlest you care about me, why did you have to go and leave me here with this asshole" I clutch the grass under my palms, my head hurts from crying, and my cheeks are forced with tears, I'm still shaking with sobs, when I finally get control of myself, I rub my eye's "But enough of my problems, I came here to spend time with you".

I sat here for an hour asking questions out loud, "it's getting late I better head to the hotel so Dad can have his conquest " I say standing up and stretching, "I'll see you later mom" I kiss my fingers and place them on the cold marble, grabbing my shoes, I walk back to my car pulling out the cemetery down the street and to the hotel the night.

I don't know.about you guy's but, to me that was sad.

Till Next time.....see ya!

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