He's Gone Part 2

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Alex pov

Laying on my bed, in a pair of blue basketball shorts and a hunter Green shirt playing Dragon Ball z Tenkieche, Waiting for Pepper And My dad to Return With Pizza Like They normally do After a Weapons Meeting, During my Trip to the mall today I bought a new black and Green short Dress and a pair of cute black lace up high heels it's About 11:00 pausing my game I run a hand through my hair "Normally They'd be back by Now" I say out loud, I'm starting to get worried about Them, flopping back on my bed I stair at the blue ceiling, I start to drift off into sleep but theirs an uneasiness in my Stomach.

I'm woken up by the sound of the front door closing and multiple voices, setting up I rub the sleep out my eye's, I Set my feet on the floor opening my bedroom door blinking my eye's I walk down the steps to living room, I'm feet hitting the floor causes everyone to stop talking, looking up I look at the faces of pepper, Rodey and Obida but no Tony, Looking around Mabey he's in the kitchen but he's not their "Hey guy's where's my Dad" I Stan next to the couch the floor making my feet cold.

The room gets eary quite again, Rodey puts his head in his hands, Obaidah looks at the floor and tears fill peppers Eye's, She stands up and gives me hug it's not one of joy but one of sadness "Alex," a tear escapes her eye "His team was Captured Today, We don't know where he is" As the words leave her mouth my world crashes around me, I can feel my heart shatter and tears sprinkle at the back of my eye's "What do you mean, you don't know where he is" I look up her she has my shoulders keeping me still "We can't find him" Rodey says coming to Stand next to pepper "Your the military how can you not find him" I rip out of peppers grip moving away "we looked everywhere we could Alex, But" "But what, did you even look are just look around your feet" I yell I'm searching with anger, Sadness but most of all fear 'What if he's dead, No he can't be I've ready lost my Mom, no matter how much we fight I can't lose him too' I think to my self, looking at the floor ice is spreading along the floor the designs on my arms are glowing blue my hands are clinched at my side, the tears are flowing free now down my face but Turing into ice by the time they hit the floor, "Alex Please calm down" pepper says "How when My Only family I've have left is missing, and probably dead" I scream ice shards come out the floor ripping throw the couch, But after a min my arm's stop glowing and I get light headed than black and I hit the floor.

Their, Now it's nap time

Till next time.......see ya

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