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Tony Pov

Sitting Down Behind My Desk, After yesterday's Day out Alex said She wanted to Sleep All day which is Reasonable we where in New York Till about 4 In the Morning. It's Night Time Peppers Out And I haven't Heard From Obaidah In a while. The TV Is Playing in the back Round as I tell Jarvis What to do with the Suit. "Yes Sir" he says "Tonight is The Annual Disney Fire Fighters Party by Tony Stark, The Billionaire Is said He won't be attending The Event, Do to bedrest" The Blond Aounder says Grabbing My Mask Holding it to my Face, Turing I grab My Cup filing it up, "You Know What Javirs Add a Little Hot Rod Red" "Yes always So discrete Sir" Jarvis says "It will Take atlest 5 Hour's" Grabbing my Watch A Great Idea Comes to my head "Dont Waite up Dear" "Wouldn't dream of it sir" Jarvis says as the light shut off getting up I Go up Stairs Pass Alex Who's sitting On the Couch upSide down watching Some Guy Tap Dance her feet are moving Alone with the beat Like she knows The Dance Moves.

Walking Up the Steps, I change into my suit with the bow Tie walking down the Steps She's dancing in the livingroom like the guy's on T.V. It quite Entertaining "I forgot you can Tap Dance" I say shocking her making her stop "I forgot Too actually" "How do you forgot something you can do" I ask "Says The guy who can't remember What he head for breakfast this Morning"" Touche, I Say grabbing my car key's "I'm gonna Go crash my Own Party" " Have fun, don't burn the place down"

Walking out front to my sliver Audi. Piliing into the streets Not following any law's cause when your rich you can do that.

Pulling Up, "And Quie Screams" timing When all the fan Girls See me, it Feels good Having Woman scream My Name , handing the boy my key's Walking up the steps a blond woman with a tight dress on comes up to me "Remember Me" "Sure Don't" I ask walking right past her Butting my Suit jacket.

I see Obaidah In the Distance talking to a reporter "What Does The world Coem too When a Man has To crash his Own Party" grabbing his Hand patting his shoulder He gives me a look of disbelief "I'll see You InSide patting his arm Walking up the steps Into the building it's Filled with the rich stuck up type's, And me leading on the bar counter "Jameson on the rock's" i as the man, handing me m drink looking around I see Woman in the distance She looks familiar but I can't pin point it seeing the side of her I almost choke on my drink, she talking to a another couple sneaking up behind her " You look fantastic, I almost didn't Resionse you" setting my drink on a tray" Pep turns a round "Where did you get that Dress" "it was an Inappropriate Gift from my boss" "Hmm, i have great taste, wanna dance" taking her hand not giving her a chance to say no pulling her to my chest as we waltz. "I have great taste" "Wow this awarded" "It's only if you make it" "it's anwarked Casus, I'm dancing with here in this very open dress" we says looking me in the eye "I could fire you if that would help" "Anatoly I don't think you would be able to tie your shoes with out me" "I would last a week" "a week really. What's your social secretly" she gives me a smug smile "8" "your missing 7 other another numbers" "I'd magane some how" I say pulling her outside into the cool night air.

Alex pov

Yawning It don't know what Time it is But I super Tired, Turing off the TV I climb the stairs to my room Turing on the lights in he center of my bed Theirs a Another Rose, like the One in the jar in the corner of my room walking over setting it in the jar "Thank you, Their Beautiful" I say out Loud Normally anyone else would be freaked out by finding random flowers in their bedroom But it's sweet to me pulling back turing on the TV I'm not tired anymore it's wired, watching whatever's on but a thousand questions are flowing throw my mind "What does he look like, is he tall, Handsome, What's his Name, I wonder why he likes me?" Blowing raspberries I I get noteafaction that's theirs a new fairy tail on, flipping on Vudu To the new episode.

Tony Pov

Standing next to pepper, It's a quite but a comfortable one "Tony" she sighs out "Yea" matching her eyes with mine where locked like in a trance moving closer and close till where only a few inches away from each other moving closer my lips are about to touch her's when I come to "I'm gonna get a drink" leaving her outside I walk back inside to the bar "Dellmore Irish Whisky, Keep them coming" pulling out a 100 dollar bill "Mr. Stark" I woman says she looks familiar but Than again everyone does "Hmmmm" trying to remember her name "Christina" "Yes What can I do for you" "I'm here to talk to you about these" she says handing me a small stack of pictures, Of my weapons "I thought I Distroyed all of them" I think in my head "Where did you Get these" I ask "The middle east, How does it feel for your company weapons to be killing innocent family's" she ask "I wouldn't know I'm not my company" I ask walking pass her outside to find Obaidah, Taking to Some guy he sees me first ushering the guy away "Did you know about this" I ask showing him him pictures "Are we doing, under the table deal's, and if we are it's my company and I deserve to know" I say low enough for just us to hear, he looks throw the pictures with a look of calm like it doesn't matter, a photographer comes up to us "Let's take some pictures" wrapping his email around my shoulder "Tony, Tony Who do you think filed the kick it against you , it was telling only way to keep you safe" he walks down the steps leaving me their to drink in the word's.

An hour later

Sitting down stairs in the lab infornt of he TV, I had to see for myself, sitting in a white tank top with my arm tighting the bolts on it, I tighten it too much and a humming sound is Hurd I do it again this time it get louder standing I hold out my arm stretching out my palm and beam shoots out of the palm whipping my arm back, the beam destroying one of the light's in he lab spinning Around I shoot the first frame from the glass, than the second and the third, walking away satisfied with my arm. Sitting back on the couch "Hey, Dad Whooo what happened" Alex ask coming down the steps jumping over all the glass "What are you doing down here" I ask "Well Jarvis Said that you where destroying thing's and that wasn't happening without me" crossing her arms "Dad What's wrong" she ask sitting down next to me "I'm fine alice, Just be careful who you trust" wrapping my arm around her shoulder kissing the top of her head.

Late I Know, But I took a writing well typing Break.

Till Next Time.......See ya!

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