Run Before You Walk

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Tony Pov

"Ok Flight test 2, You go wide" I point to the robot arm "Dummy your on fire Control, And I tell you if you Spray me Again, I'll Dismantle You" I say to Dummy, I don't know why I keep putting him On fire Control. Standing on the metal platform in the skeleton of the Suit, "Staring Off with 2% Thrust" lifting off the floor a few inches I drop back down, it was Cool but it can be better "Can you stop flowing me around, your gonna me, feel like I'm gonna just randomly Combust Just stand down if Somthing goes wrong than come at me" I say as he lowers his arm "Crank it up to 10% Javirs" the power blast throw the hands and feet lifting me off the floor, Moving me around, "This is Somewhere I don't wanna be" I says flying over my car's "Yikes" letting out the weirdest yell ever, I start to float over to my work space, pushing my hands out infornt of me I move back into place over the space hovering. Dropping back down I'm a little shakey at first, "Ah, Ah, Ah, Ah" I yell at Dummy as he's about to hit me with the fire Extinguisher, Dropping back down, I let out a breath "Yeah I can fly".

5 hour's later

Slipping my feet into the Suit holding up my arm's At The Suit Assemblies Around my Body, It Amazing As the Suit is set into place, Finishing the mask Over my face The Suit comes to life Showing different screens infornt of me, "Starting the Run of the Suit Now Sir" Jarvis Says coming throw the helmet. Moving my hands around and rolling the shoulders making sure nothing is wrong.

" Diagnostic Complete sir, Powering down Now" "Yea, Jarvis Check The temperature in Miami, And Ready The Suit for a flight Test" I say "Sir I Don't Think" "Jarvis Sometimes You have to Run Before you can Walk" The room is slient before the correct Flight Patterns come in screen "Take Off In 3,2,1" out stretching my palms I lift off the ground making my self lean forward I take off out side Scrapping the side of the wall before I Leave. In a spin out "Power level Stable Sir, Eveything Is in working Order" Jarvis says as I fly to down town Miami Past the Boardwalk, Zooming in On 2 kids on the fairswheel, Eating ice cream The Little Girl doesn't See me But the Boy does and He drops his ice cream In mid Lick.

Whating to see what this can do I start to Climb In the sky past The Normal Height For Plane's "Climbing 43,000 Feet and Climbing " Jarvis Says as the Suit starts Shaking, Than shuts off completely Making me free fall.

"Javirs Open the Windbreakers" I say spinning "Javirs?" He doesn't Respond reaching down I spin a dial on my thigh Breaking off the Ice around The Suit.

To Wear I'm still falling just Not as Fast.

The Suit Springs Back to Life, just as I'm about to hit the ground My truster On and I fly throw Traffic dodging a car "Yeah" I scream this Is Great Flying back Home, It's about 2 Am "See Eveything is Fine Jarvis" Landing I go throw the roof landing On my Car, As Dummy Hit me with the Fire Extinguisher, laying my Head back relaxing "WHAT THE" looking up Alex Is Down Standing In the door Way of the lab with a crazy Look on her face Getting up I shimmy Out the Suit standing infornt of her, "WHAT IS THAT" She points to the Suit on top of the car "I wanted That car" She does a little dance in disappointment letting out a groan hanging her head low.

"It's a Suit, Well my Suit" I say setting down At the desk, walking up to it she runs her fingers over it she looks amazed like a little kid seeing a Magic Show for the first Time "What's it For?" She ask looking up at me "Protection" leaning back with my arm's Crossed "Can It Fly" She ask with Wonder "Yea" her eye's get wide "Can you take me for a ride" she runs in front of me holding her hands folded holder out infornt of me "Please, Please, Please, Pretty Please With a cherry On top"She pleads with puppy eye's Like she's 5 again, Sometimes I can't Believe She's Almost 18 going On 19 I can't believe I've never Spet time with my Own Daughter, A good though comes to Mind. "Sure, Will fly To New York Tomorrow, Make a day Out of it Just you and Me how does That Sound" "Really" Nodding "Yes, Thanks Dad your awesome" She wraps her arm's around my Neck kissing my Cheek, hugging her back.

She pulls back spinning in a circle with her hands up Chanting That she's gonna "Fly Tomorrow" propping up my Arm on the table next to me holding my head, Just watching her be happy "Alright, Now Sleep Were leaving at 12" I say getting up to get the Suit off the car "Awe, Oh Can't I just stay Down her with your for a while" She ask giving it a thought "Sure Just Stay out the way Alright" Nodding she plopps down at the work desk.

2 hour's later

Finally Getting the Suit up, It was quite the struggle since it heavy, turning around to send Alex up stairs I find her Sleep, her head on the table letting out a breath I scoop her up bridal style she's quite Light, "Jarvis Lights Door" "Of course Sir" walking out the door with the lights tuning off behind us, walking up stairs Into the livingroom and up another Set of steps to her room the door opens up automatically, Letting me in, Since her bed isn't made I lay her down covering her with a light blue blakent, pushing some hair out her face I kiss the top of her head as she rolls over "Good Night Alex" I say Leaving turing off the lights and Closing the door behind me, Climbing into my own bed I lay their for a minute Feeling a Fatherly Pried For making My Daughter happy, Well as her father It's My job to Keep her happy And Safe. 'And with the Suit I'll do just that' I roll over.

Their all wrapped up in a nice little Green bow.

Happy St. Patrick's Day
Everyone, Make sure you have your Green

Till Next Time............See Ya!

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