Don't Leave Me

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"Jade! Wait! No!" I grasped at air and watched as her sillhuette fly away. I knew I couldn't track her down so I didn't chase her.

It was a matter of time until I realised I was inlove with her. The moment I said it, was also the moment I knew it. What have I done. I ran a hand through my hair and breathed out a sigh of stress.

I don't know why I felt happy when she said she fell inlove with me; Wait. She didn't say that...

But she didn't denied it either.

"Tooth!" I called out and she was in the room instantly.

"Yes?" She smiled but gasped and then frowned. She neared me, covering her mouth in worry.

"What happened?" She asked soothingly. I sighed and shook my head. "You have no idea,"

I rubbed my temples for no reason.

"She found out her memories by herself you know..." Tooth whispered as I ran a hand through my hair again. The tension inside of me is getting bigger, just because of a girl.

"She's smart, thats why," I groaned, not denying her intelligence.

"Hey," I snapped up at Tooth curiously. "Does she tells you her feelings towards me?"

Tooth chuckled and motioned for me to sit down. I went up to the chair Jade sat on earlier and thought of her.

Ah, the way she talks, the way she smiles, her laugh, her hair, her eyes, everything! Every faccett of her amaze me.

"Jack! Oh for tooth sakes!" Tooth waved her pixielike hand infront of my face, attracting my attention.

"What?" I scurried at her;

"You didn't listen," She sighed and glared at me.

"Sorry," I apologized, running my hand through my hair, again! But this time I imagined the feeling of Jade's hair. I sighed and turned to look at Tooth.

"Well," She cleared her throat and smiled at me.

"When she sees you, her heartbeat speeds up, when you touch her, she feels like touching you more, when you talk to her, you actually dazzle her. And all these give her happiness, actually, but she's too unconfident. She thinks-" Tooth stirred, looking for a suitable phrase.

"She might hurt me if I stay with her," I cut her off. She snapped her fingers at me and nodded.

"I need to look for her," I stood up.

"Jack, I don't think thats a good idea," Tooth stopped me, hovering infront of me.

"She might need some alone time," She said softly.

"You're probably right," I sighed in defeat.

"I'll just go to Jamie's instead," I went up to the window.

"Just be safe," She said to me and I nodded.

I leaned out to the window and jumped, letting the wind carry me to Jamie's. The wind ruffled my hair, it felt nice but I didn't enjoy it much.

Apparently I arrived at Jamie's and saw him lean onto his bedroom window. When he saw me he jumped, grinning until I stepped my feet into his bedroom.

"Jack!" He squealed.

"Hey kid," I greeted exhaustedly.

"You look glum," He commented as I flopped down on his bed, sighing as I did so. I patted the vacant space beside me for Jamie. He obeyed and sat beside me on the bed, smiling smugly.

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