You Can See Me!

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Jack POV

Jade and Megan's face lost their colors as they stared at each other, wide-eyed. Me and Jamie exchanged glances, where Jamie pulled a confused face.

"Did she j-just... said m-m-my name?" Jade stuttered, starting to stand up slowly. Megan's pupils dilated slightly and followed Jade's action. Megan's looking at Jade? For real?

"Oh my God..." Megan emphasized. "Oh. my. God." She repeats, now shaking her head. Whaaaat? Now I definitely don't understand girls with their emotional moments.

"Mom used to tell me stories about you!" Megan erupted excitedly, her petite frame slightly jumping up and down. Thats where Jade definitely lost it.

She literally ran over to Megan, engulfing her in a hug of pure joy and happiness. At least, thats what I think. Their bodies almost made no difference in size, as Jade is skinny and petite. Not mini-petite, just normal-petite. Ahh, you know what I mean.

"How can you see me?" Jade cried out, not of sadness and horror but out of excitement and joy. Megan's the first one to actually can see her after, like, 300 years, or more. I know that feeling, I've been there before.

"Like I've said, mom always tells me about you." Megan giggled.

Her mom knew Jade existed?

"You helped me and my family once, remember? Our house was on fire, ferocious fire, and you came to control it. You helped us, saved us." Megan said softly, clinging to Jade's arms.

Oh yeaaaaah. That memory where her brother-

"I wasn't able to save your brother though... I'm sorry." Jade apologized, tackling Megan into another hug. "Its okay, not your fault."

"Am I missing something here?" Jamie interrupted just as I gave a humongous smile of happiness by the fact that my girlfriend (Oops, mate) is overjoyed! Cherished! Delighted! I need to stop with my vocabulary now.

"You can't see Jade, thats what you're missing." Megan mutters. I have to say, she is quite mature for an eleven year old.

The 'incident' she faced had probably changed her into a more careful and observant person. I didn't know where that came from, I just say it. Don't judge.

"Oh, okay," Jamie said awkwardly. I strained my laugh; Jamie's face was priceless!

Whilst Jade and Megan shared stories about the legends that said Jade was a fire goddess (which is pretty awesome, but untrue), me and Jamie went looking at the stars. Apparently we got bored and slumped on the bed, with the girls chattering briskly behind us. At this moment, I knew Jade was happy.

I thought I'd messed up the visit -- because of Jamie. But as soon as Megan came in and saw her, it was a fire, vanquished by pure water. Jade's sadness was swept away and turned into joy. I can't lie that I'm happy along with her. What I'm dissapointed with here is Jamie.

He shouldn't have said anything like what he'd said before. Anything but that.

"There's also a legend that says about a water god, and his mortal mate that died. Grandma said that he will have a new mate along this century. He's real too, right, Jade?" Megan said cheerfully, happy that she and Jade are actually talking.

Whilst I stare at the ceiling I realised -- that Jade had turned silent.

I rolled my body to lay on my stomach and looked at Jade and Megan. Jade had her brown eyes wide and alert, frozen. Megan just stared awkwardly at her. Then Megan turned to me, mouthing, 'is she having a panic attack?'

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