Unbroken Bond

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Jack POV

"Why is this thing even here?!" I shouted angrily at them.  

The carcass' dead body was pale white, her hair was everywhere, her dress was in a complete mess and her appearance was ghostly. I felt disgusted with what I saw.

Why is Sandy even carrying it?

Out of all the pain she had caused me, she's trying to get back? No way. The incident earlier which involved her, had made me a completely different person. It had made me colder, emptier. The affection I'd felt towards her transformed into hate and disgust.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Tooth gasped and flew towards Sandy, nearing her body towards the carcass. Sandy gave me a disapproving look as I disgustedly backed away, keeping my distance from it. I laughed humorlessly and stabbed my staff to its direction.

"Just let it die," I laughed again as I pulled my staff away. North shoved my shoulders so that I was facing him. "It? Jade is a being!" North screeched angrily. I smirked at him and shook my head.

"Dead body," I said as a matter of factly and pointed at it. "Her heart is beating!" Bunny shot at me.  

"So?" I said stubbornly. "Just let it die. It brings no good to this world." I scoffed and ran my fingers through my head coolly.

"So we save her," Bunny, North and Tooth said simultaneously. "Why? It destroys things." I sneered at them, not giving up. "You loved her," Tooth said exasperatedly.

I shot my head at Tooth and looked at her in disbelief. "No..." I said, hesitating. Everyone looked at me in contempt as I slowly backed away. The yetis gave me a wide space to the door.

"Jack, don't lie," North reasoned. I shook my head and tried to scoff. 
"I didn't lie."
"Yes, you did." Bunny narrowed his eyes at me. Sandy simply frowned and held it tighter.  

"Do whatever you want to do with it. Just don't include me in this." I gave the dead body a glare. I started for the door and went out, holding in my threatening ice tears.

I strode out into the snowed meadow and deserted myself. I dropped my staff next to me and flopped down weakly on the thick snow. I hugged my legs up to my chest and buried my face into the gap of my knees. I sat there for a moment, considering the fact whether I should or should not help them relive it - I mean, her.


Then I heard a movement from behind me. A warm and tiny palm pressed onto my shoulder, I looked up. Infront of me was Tooth, in her sympathetic smile. I tugged my lips to the side, effortfully trying to represent a grin. She sat next to me, crossing her legs.

She stared at space which my gaze had followed after.  

"We know you couldn't handle this alone," She whispered. I hummed nonchalantly as a filthy response. "Don't you want to get her back?" She asked me softly, turning her head to look at me. I sighed and shrugged weakly. "There's too much heartbreak, Tooth." I hung my head. "I don't know if I can handle it."

"Jack, the bond isn't broken yet, she's still alive, there's still chance for you to live,"  

I snapped my head to her. Bond? 

"What do you mean? A chance for me to live?" I asked confusedly. 

"None of us had explained this bonding thing to you yet," She pursed her lips before continuing. "You see, a bond is created when a Guardian feels a special feeling towards someone, and when the feeling is returned. This bond is chosen by the Man in Moon."

"When one of them, you know, dies," She grimaced at the word. "The bond is broken, and as you can see, it will leave a great pain to the other mate, forever." I widened my eyes.

"Forever? They will be in pain forever?" I asked in disbelief. She nodded and continued. "The mate dies soon after. They can't live without each other." I nearly puked with the fact.  

"Jack Frost, you're a Guardian. People believe in you. If Jade dies, you will too. And what will happen? People all around the world will stop believing in you. And they will stop believing in us too; You do know what will happen if noone believes in us?"

She looked at me skeptically. I nodded slowly. Everyone of us will die and Pitch will rule. With no wonder and hope to protect the children's faith, fear will take over.

"We swore to protect the wonder and hope, Jack. We won't break our promises. We swore." She folded her arms up to her chest and stared at me while I absorbed the facts.  

"Whoa," I chuckled humorlessly. "Its deadly when Jade's death affects every one of us. And the children."

"Exactly." Tooth sighed. "She plays a great role among us. She isn't a destroyer, she's a protector."  

Jade Flame's underestimated herself. All these times she thought she was a menace. I've underestimated her too, every obstacle she will face, I didn't think she could overcome it. She didn't only bonded us both, she'd bonded everyone. Without her we will be, alas. If she died, I would too. And so will the rest of us. The childrens will fear everything.

"We need to keep her alive." Tooth encouraged. I faced her as she faced me, I smiled in approval and nodded.

We need to relive Jade Flame.


Hayyloyy ! * Says in best Marcus Butler accent . * Whaddup ?

Yu guys did a very good job on the last chapter! I got more than 5 votes and comments in less than 24 hours! Forreal ! Yu guys need a huge round of applause! * Everyone claps and whistles . * Welcome to Alli's Guinness World Records :3

Sorry if this chapter is short, I just wanted to make my whole Sunday progressive; And I have homeworks too, but yur lucky I put yu guys up first this time :3

Thankyu for the birthday wishes! Yu guys are awesum! Best birthday evaaa <3 Forreal !

Thankyu too for sticking up with meeh throughout da whole story :3 Its the 12th chapter and yur still with me <3 God bless all of yu <3

Shoutout to @SunLion ! §he ( Maybe a she , I'm not sure , I'm not good at stalking . But I think she's a she :L Sorryy ) She leaves sweet comments ! Aaaand I recognised her name so congratulations ! Yur starred in Flame & Frost's 12th Edition !

Leave me sweet comments so I remember yur name(; Forrr a chance to be feautured in the next chapter :3 Wow I sound so ... commercially .

Theeee usual , 5 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter ! There will be a sneak peek for it , which I will inform yu guys on mah Status , so check it outtt laterrrrrr rrr rrrawr :3

I have a cheeky question for yu guys <3

Yu : Answer on the comments section belooooooww :3

Can't wait to see yur answers !

Yu guys are awesum , sorry for da retarded language , I'm high at the moment :3  
Thanks agaiiiiin I lahv yu :3  


Mah boyfriend says : " Hai . " :L

Team Frost Rawksss !
I love yur faaace© .

- Alli

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