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Jack POV

"Please, no, don't hurt any of them..." Jade begged weakly, losing herself to Pitch. He laughed and she grimaced.

"Don't even try to move forward," North whispered, warning me, while I fought with myself to not run to her and pull her into my arms, protecting her, make her feel okay, make her feel strong.

Jade whimpered and curled herself into a shaking ball, drawing shaky and unstable breaths. Oh how I want to kill Pitch.

Pitch smiled evilly at me as he made his way around her curled body. He stopped at her side and sighed happily. "How long have I wanted to hurt her," He nudged her side softly with his nasty feet, Jade jerked her body away, growling silently.

"Look," Tooth alerted me and then I saw it-

The snow around Jade's body started to melt, but Pitch didn't notice what she's doing. Jade's body stopped shaking, and I could see her fists getting tighter.

"Jade Flame... the nobody... the destroyer... the reckless girl who died in a ruined castle... the so called fearless princess..."

"You say another word..." I muttered under my breath.

"Foolish!" Pitch kicked her right on the gut and she yelped, but before Pitch knew it Jade had his foot in both of her hands. Pitch struggled to shake her off from his foot, his attempts didn't work.

Jade took the opportunity- Her whole body lit up in majestic and deadly fire. She stood up, her hands had moved up to Pitch's neck. He screamed in agony as the fire from Jade's entire body licked his dark body. She growled as Pitch started to slap her hands away, which is a bad idea. The fire ate his hands as well.

Jade's hair was blood red, her dress was also blood red, her eyes were darker than I've ever seen and her entire body, and I mean that literally, was on fiery fire. She looks like a mini Sun.

But then her glory was stolen with a sharp but strong gust of cold and wet wind, which blew her fire away. North glared at me and I shot him an 'it wasn't even me' look. The four of us charged towards him, but unlucky for North, his boots dug in deep in the snow making him slower than the rest of us. Tooth had her tooth fairy army's ready just in time, and Bunny's boomerang shot everywhere. Pitch dodged them too easily. He kicked Jade on the gut again and she flied backwards, slamming onto a big snowy rock. She gagged, and then screeched as the rock made her body fling, face first onto the snow. Behind the rock was a steep land, where the frozen sea is. If the rock wasn't there Jade would probably fall down below.

Bunny shot egg bombs and boomerang towards Pitch but he dodged it whilst patting the fire away from his clothes. Me and North charged towards him, and I managed to have his neck on my staff's curve. I slammed him onto the snow and tried to freeze him, frosts trailed on his skin in a quite fast rate, and half of his body was frozen in a half minute.

A few minutes of choking and freezing my hands out on Pitch, I had already made him a Pitch Black popsicle.

"Good job, Jack," North complimented and I turned to him. When I turned to look at him, he suddenly gasped and looked behind me. I turned my head behind me and saw Pitch, already exchanging bombs with Bunny. I shot my head towards the popsicle, and it was empty.

"What the-" I cussed and North dragged me towards the fighting duo, leading me. As Pitch saw us coming, he smiled and turned into a shadow.

We chased him, but he was beyond fast. He moves from here to there, even Tooth and her tooth fairy army was confused. We eventually let him move all alone.

He stopped at Jade's fetal positioned body and clasped his hands together.

"Where were we, Flame girl?" Pitch asked her, smiling at us. Jade's body twitch and she moaned. "Jack..." She whispered hoarsely. I shot up at the sound of my name and tensed up.

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