Truth If You Dare

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☃ Jack POV

"What are you going to do about that?" North sighed. I ran a hand through my hair, shaking my head.

"I don't know, North." Frowning, I stood up from where I sat.

"I'm still going to do it, but I'll wait for the right time. When its time..." I gulped. "I'll inform you."

"Jack, mating is marriage." North chuckled. "Are you ready for that?"

"Hell no."

"I wouldn't go too far in a short period in my life. I'm immortal. I have plenty of time. A millenium, maybe? She wouldn't leave me..."

"Exactly. What we need to do now is settle for-" North stood up.

"I'll go and meet Aqua." I rolled my eyes.

North gestured to the door with a smirk. I walked out the room stiffly, rubbing the back of my neck. The door clamped shut as I left it smashing to the door frame, I care so less. I started walking along the hallway, my destination was an open window.

Then, coming to my vision was Ben and Breeze, hand in hand, smiling so proudly with their strong bond. I raised an eyebrow as they fastened their paces when they saw me.

"What's up?" I asked informally as they came closer.

"Going to see Aqua?" Breeze asked, biting her lip. I nodded with my teeth gritted. My anger to Aqua's not done yet.

"We'll come with you." The words which left Ben's mouth was expected.


"Hi, Jack." Aqua hopped of the branch in a swift movement, walking towards me confidently. I shuffled my weight to my right foot, nodding in reply.

He smiled at me - somehow that smile was apologetic and sad, but I didn't let his expression affect me too much. His eyes returned to deep blue, no longer a creepy shade of red.

"Just came to settle things out. Firstly, sorry about... last incident. I was-"

"Its okay, Jack. I'm sorry." He frowned as he cut me off.

"I was damn crazy. Yeah, I now realise your potential of hurting people," He laughed. "But yeah, I really do realise, and I really am sorry."

"I've no intention to take Jade way from you..." His tone became lower. " 'Twas just a saying, yanno."

"Good..." I raised an eyebrow.

"Whatever happened... Just forget it happened. Okay?" He smiled at me and for the first time after the fight, I replied the smile. "Well, gotta put out some fire..." He smiled once more.

I started to turn around to face the happy looking Ben and Breeze, but froze as Aqua said another word.

"Say hello to the Guardians for me, buddy. And North owes me dinner." He laughed before flying off.

"Well that was..." I scrunched my face. "Easy." Ben finished for me.

Yes it was. I expected it to be another blood-shedding confrontation, or some elements exchanges. I was surprised it came out smooth. Wondered why.

"I think so too. Must have something to do with-" Breeze started, but Ben clamped her mouth close and smiled nervously at me.

"Who? What?" I asked anxiously. Ben gave Breeze a pouted lip to which she returned with a lip-bite.

"Ben..." I warned, glaring at him. Apparently 5 seconds of doing so, then he told me the answer.


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