Dinner Night

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 ☃ Jack POV

Rapidly, I scrolled through my memories. WhatdidIdo WhatdidIdo WhatdidIdo WhatdidIdo...

Then it hit me.

☃ Flashback ☃

"Jack Frost..." Aqua gasped, coughing.  

"Tell me everything you know." I ordered.  

"What?" He stared at me with his red eyes, he looked confused.  

I gripped my staff tighter. I don't have enough patience to hold on to his slow response- I could lose my temper in like...


Using the power I had, I froze Aqua's heart slowly. He gagged before broke off to a screeching scream.

"What did Pitch told you to do, you punk?" I spat, stopping the freezing of his heart to actually give him a chance to speak.

"Told me to... to kill... you... So that... Jade will... join... join us.." He stammered inbetween breaths.

"I will have her..." He continued wearily, glaring at me. "She won't be w... with... you..."

"What do you mean by that?" I creased my forehead. "I will mate her." Was his answer.

"WHAT?!" I demanded in disbelief. No. Fucking. Way.  

"I'll mate her first, you filthy moron," I growled, while he simply smiled in pain.

"Very well. Why, we'll see about that," He chuckled, but winced a few seconds later.

"Fine. But you and Pitch won't be there to witness it. If you-"

"I will stand by darkness," He said monotonedly.

"Tell your boss to fuck off." I spat. He raised an eyebrow, as if he was saying, "Spat those bad words a little bit too much today, did you?"

"No," he laughed, red eyes gleaming. 

"Aqua, I don't know about the choice you're making. Do you understand the consequences? Everyone will mark you in the blacklist if you do this for any longer. Everytime one of us sees you, they'll eliminate you. Are you aware of that?" I lectured, sighing. I feel like I'm North Jr.

He huffed, looking up at me with creepy his red eyes.

"No." Aqua sissed. I froze his heart again.

"Are you aware of that?" I repeated over his screaming. I'm starting to get frustrated.

"Yes- P...please..." Aqua gasped between screams. I stopped.

"Go." I ordered, hoping he knew my meaning. Aqua scrambled to his feet, panicky. He stole a last glance at me before flying off, fast as a jet.

☃ End of Flashback ☃

"Sorry... I- I didn't..."

"Very well. I assume you remembered. Meet me in the dining room tonight. We have dinner with the elementors and Guardians." He sighed, leaving my room swiftly. I tensed again as he poked his head in.

"We'll settle about your problems later. How's the phone doing?"

"Its functional." Jade answered for me when I couldn't speak. "Oh good." He left the room for good by then.

"Breathe, Jack." Jade laughed.

I collapsed on the bed behind me and sighed. I shouldn't have said that. I shouldn't have challenged Aqua. I groaned my regret to the bed sheets, sighing loudly in the end. Jade asked me about it, to which I told everything to her in frustration.

The bed dip beside me as she sat to listen. She remained silent during the whole time I was telling her, but I couldn't dare to see her expression. I finished it with a groan. I lifted my face to look at her face.

She was looking down, eyelash hooding her brown eyes. I poked her side questioningly.

"Jade? Look, I'm sorry. I could always reset that... Settle with Aqua and take back what I said... I mean, I get it if- if..."

"No, its alright." She said, clearing her throat.

"Liar." I interjected, closing my eyes regretfully. I reverted from her, twisting my body so that I was facing the opposite. The bed lightly undip, sounds of footsteps clattering the floor lightly. Then the door squeaked open, before a thump could be heard as the door closed.

I peeked.

She's gone.


I shrugged out of the striped shirt, putting on my legendary sweater that I loved so much. These jeans' a keeper. I wouldn't change into a much improper pair of trousers. I tucked my iPhone into my pocket, though I find no reason to use it in a dinner night. I hung my staff on the fancy staff holder that North gave me. Its a nice one, with snowflake carvings and all. Plus, its made of unmeltable ice.

The cool thing about my room is that it fits the theme. Theme, as in, snow and ice. Most of the things in my room's ice blue, and most importantly they have snowflake carvings. North's a good decorator... Or maybe the yetis did it. I don't really know. But anyhow, whoever decorated the room did a good job on decorating...

I closed the door behind me as I made my way to the mahogany dining room. I gotta admit, the workshop may not look as glorious in the outside, but in the inside, (except for the toy factory, of course.) it looks like a castle. Pure white in the dining room, living room, the hall, the bedrooms, guest rooms, everywhere. Everywhere except the toy factory.

I'm running two minutes late, I guess. Everyone was already sitted on the dining chairs, and their stares bored to me as I pushed the huge door open. North was sitting in the large middle, Bunny, Tooth and Sandman on his left and the elementors on his right. There's a spare seat on the first right, I guess thats mine.

"Hi. Sorry, I'm late." My voice echoed throughout the dining hall. Everyone replied to me, mumbling.
"You're not late, we're early. Hi, man." Ben and I exchanged fists as I walked pass him to my seat.
Clearing my throat, I sat on the chair, food infront of me.

A warm hand brushed my elbow in greeting. It was Jade. She just smiled at me before turning her  attention to North.

After giving his short thanking speech, he invited us all to eat.

"Dig in!" He laughed, then  the clattering sounds of silverware could be heard as we indulge in the delicious dinner. I took a bite out of the roast chicken infront of me. Damn, its huuuuge.

And its marvelousss.

This. Made my day.

North leant to me and whispered.
"Meet me in my room after this."

What a mood spoiler. I slumped deeper in my seat, still chewing the chicken moodlessly.


ANY ONE OF YOU EVER ATE VOCHELLE'S DARK CHOCOLATE?? *the one in the picture, in the multimedia section.* HAVE YOU EVER? HAVE YOU NOT? HAVE YOU? If you have, ISN'T IT SPLENDID? ITS SO SPLENDID I COULD... EAT IT. In fact, I'm eating some right now. The flavors of the dark chocolate keeps me going throughout the day.


Do enjoy this video of clay selling hotdog. Like, its my favourite video so far.

10+ votes, comments and reads! Maybe 100 reads, at least :L I sound like I'm so needy. But yes I am. :3 .

Thank you! I love reading your messages on my profile, and the comments you left on this story :)) Makes me feel noticed :') Thank you, again! See ya! ;D

- Alli

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