Chapter 1

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You were walking through the Sakura trees, the scent of their blossoms filling your nose. It was an odor you would certainly miss. To begin, you are (Y/N) (L/N). You have one brother and one sister: Sakura and Toshio. Your mother and father died in a tragic car accident when you were young, so your grandmother took you and your siblings in.

You are now 17 years old and you just given some news that made your world fall apart. You see, your grandmother told you that you would have to go in England for a reason still unknown to you. She only said that it was important.

Remembering this memory made you sigh. You didn't want to leave Japan but you had no choice. If your grandmother said it was important, then you had to do it. You didn't want to feel her wrath once again. Last time you disobeyed your grandmother, she sent you to the hospital for two weeks. Walking to a huge Sakura tree, you sat down and pressed your back to it.

"What is so important? Grandmother told me to meet a certain lord named Ciel Phantomhive..."

You pulled your knees to your chest, holding your head low. Sighing one more time, you felt something pulling your (H/C) hair. You looked up to see Jiang (Author's note: Jiang mean ''river'' in Chinese), your red panda. He was, in some way, your pet at home. You found him, one night, in the forest. He was injured and would have died if you hadn't rescued him at that moment. You giggled, holding your hands up to him. He purred and moved onto your lap. He snuggled up to you and closed his eyes, sleeping soundly. You smiled at the sight.

It was a miracle that grandmother let you take Jiang with you, or else you would certainly have died. He was too cute to abandon him and leave him alone with the terrible granny, who wanted nothing more than to chop off his head each time she found him in her bed, shedding some of his fur on it. You finally stood up, putting Jiang in your arms, returning home to prepare your things. You will soon leaving Japan for England.

After you finished packing your things, you turned around to meet the smile of your grandmother. She came to you and pulled you into a big hug, a little breathless because of how strong she was. Grandmother may be old, but she still know how to kick butts!

"Go now, (Y/N)...I don't want you to be late!"
"Yeah, you muttered softly."
"Take care of yourself..."
"You too, grandma..."

Then, she took you by the ear, pinching it a little to hard. You let out a little yell.

"Don't forget to behave like a proper lady. Don't talk to strangers, and don't you dare have babies before getting married, and I want to see him to approve!" She said with a scowl, wrinkles showing on her forehead.
"Aye!! Grandma!"
" Stand with your back straight, young lady!

Finally, leaving your home, you were now on your way to England, without knowing the destiny that awaits you...

Descending from the boat, you had some difficulty walking due to how crowded it was. Seriously, how many people were on this boat where you were a second ago?! You avoided the mass of people and quickly moved to the port. You let out a sigh of relief when you were sure that you were safe. You started to walk through the streets of London, Jiang on your shoulder, observing this new place. You could feel that he was tense. You pet him on his back and he calmed down a little.

That's when you saw a market. You were a little hungry, and so was Jiang. Stopping in front of a merchant, you took the money that your grandmother gave in your pocket. When you looked up, you let out a gasp. Where was Jiang?! You stared to your left and right, trying to locate him. When you found him, he was on the rooftop of the market, trying to steal an apple from its bucket. You gasped and waved your arms up and down.

"Jiang!" you yelled.
"Hey!" said the merchant, taking the red panda by his neck and throwing him in your arms, falling on your butt at the impact. "You wanted to steal this apple, thief?!" he yelled, his face red.
"N-no! you stammered. I-I-"
"You need to learn a lesson, it seems!" he said, lifting a hand up.

You closed your eyes tightly, waiting for the impact. But when you didn't feel his hand on your cheek, you opened your eyes to see a handsome man in black. He had pretty red eyes and dark hair. He was smirking at the merchant, who was now as pale as a ghost.

"H-how?!" he squeaked.
"This isn't how a gentleman should treat a's your money." said the man with a smile. You could tell it was fake.

The man in black handed the merchant some pieces of gold and bowed to him. The merchant scowled at him but didn't say a word, returning back to his work. The man turned around to meet your eyes, smirking a little.

" Is everything is okay, my lady?" he asked, holding his hand out to you to help you up.
"Yes" you said, taking his hand.

When you got back on your feet, the man bowed to you and walked away. Then, you remembered what you needed to do right now and you ran to him.

"Wait! I need to ask you something!" you said, catching him. He turned to you, a brow raised.
"And what is it, my lady?"
"Do you know a lord named Ciel Phantomhive?" you asked softly.
"Yes...He is in fact my young master" the man said with a smile. "I'm his butler."
"Really? Can you bring me to him?"
"Are you, by chance, (Y/N) (L/N)?" asked the butler.
"Yes! Wait a minute" you deadpanned. How does he know about me?" you asked with a dumbfounded expression.
"Your grandmother sent him a letter"
"It's very complicated, so I will ask you to follow me, my lady" he said with his same cocky smile.

You nodded your head and started to walk, but the butler stopped you with an arm. You raised a brow and turned to him.

"Wha-?" Before you could do anything, the butler swiftly pulled you into his arms, bridal style, Jiang in your arms.
"It will be faster this way" he said with a smile, chuckling at your blush.

Before you could protest, the man started to walk quickly, nearly running. You held on to him tightly and he only smirked at that. Then, the butler stopped in his tracks in front of a young boy, with a blue eye and an eye patch over the other eye. His hair was a grey-blue color. He put you down in front of the boy, who only raised his brow at you, staring at you blankly with his one eye.

"Who are you?" he asked coldly.
"I am (Y/N) (L/N)" you said while bowing to him.
"You must be the girl mentioned in the letter I received some days ago...Why don't we talk in a more private place" he said with a small smile.
"Yes, my lord"
"You can call me Ciel." He said, turning his back to you, walking to a carriage.

You huffed. How rude of him! He waved his hand to you, meaning he wanted you in the carriage. You sighed and climbed in after him.

"Oh, the man who held you a few moment ago is named Sebastian" Ciel spoke simply.

You nodded your head. You will not forget that name. When the carriage arrived at the Phantomhive estate, Ciel stepped out of it and toward his manor. Sebastian took your hand in his to help you down. You smiled at him and he reciprocated it. Sebastian followed his master, opening the door for him.

"Now, young master...I will have the tea prepared shortly" said Sebastian with a smile.

That's when you saw Ciel's jaw drop in shock. You raised a brow and stood next to him, trying to understand the situation, and when you did....well, you had the same expression as Ciel. Sebastian raised a brow to both of you.

"What's wron...."a

He didn't have the time to finish his sentence. When his eyes fell on the inside of the manor, he was as shocked as Ciel and you. The manor was...well, pink. Fluffy bunnies on the ground, bows all around the pillars of the manor with balloons shaped like a heart.

"Erm...Lord Phantomhive, I didn't know you like the color pink" you muttered.
"I DON'T!" he yelled at you. "My mansion...."
"What in the this?" Sebastian finally spoke with a sweat drop.

Then, three servants, dressed in silly costumes ran to Sebastian. They clung to him, talking in unison.

"What are you wearing, you two?" Sebastian asked.
"Go ask the crazy girl!" yelled a man with an American accent.
"A crazy girl?" you asked and went to door where the American was pointing.

You opened the door, Sebastian and Ciel just behind you.

"These ribbons are good too...but these satin roses are the cuuuuutest! I hesitated a little" said a female voice. But like I thought, you wearing that is...totally adorable! You look like Antoinette!
"Tanaka?!" said Ciel.
"What in the heavens..." you muttered.

The blond girl turned around, letting out a gasp.


She ran to the door, opening it wide before jumping on Ciel. She hugged him so tightly that you thought the boy would pass out.

"Ciel! I wanted to see youuuuu!!" she yelled at him.
"Call me Lizzy! Aren't I always saying that?!" she squeezed him hard. "Just as I thought, no matter how many times I look at you, you're the cuuuuuutest!!!"
"Huh...Sebastian?" you turned to him, a brow raised. He only smiled at you with a swea"
"Ahem...Miss Elizabeth" said Sebastian.
"Oh my! Sebastian, good day~!"
"It's been a while since I have seen you."
"I have a present for you, too~!"
" Eh..."

Then, she put him in a pink hat with flowers. You would have laughed but something told you to not do it.

"You see! Ahhh! It's so cuuuuuute!!! You're always wearing black, so I thought those colors would be good!" she said to him with stars in her eyes.

Ciel only moved to a dark corner, a black cloud above him. The servants tried to not laugh but failed at this. Sebastian only threw them a dark look, something that really scared you for a second.

"Such concern for the things I wear. That sort of consideration just for is a great honor" he said with a fake smile, a hand on his chest.
"It's fine" Lizzy said with a smile.
"Ahem, more importantly, Lizzy, why are you here? What about grandmother?" asked Ciel.
"I wanted to see you so I rushed out in a secret and came here!"

While Ciel started to scold her, you walked to Sebastian.

"Erm...excuse me but who is that girl?" you asked.
"Lady Elizabeth is the young master's fiancée" he told you.
"Fi...FIANCÉE???????!!!!!!!!" yelled the servants in unison
"Oh, I see" you said.
"By nature there are many with fiancées in the English royal family. Count Phantomhive is no exception."
"If a wife of the royal family is not of the royal family, they cannot become part of it, right?" you asked.
"Exactly. Miss Elizabeth is acceptable as she is the daughter of the marquee" finished Sebastian with a smile toward you.
"If she left without saying anything, then grandmother must be worried. Sebastian, contact-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Lizzy ran past him to the ballroom.

"Cieeel~! Come heeeeeeeere~! Look, look! I made the ballroom cute too, didn't I!" she said while showing the ballroom with a big smile.
"My...mansion..." muttered Ciel.
"Ah! That's right! Hey Ciel, since it took a lot of works to make the ballroom like this, let's have a ball today!!" she said.
"I'll dance with my fiancé as an escort! KYA-! Wait a minute..."

She ran to you, clinging on your kimono.

"YOU ARE CUTE TOO!!!!" she yelled, while you clutched your ears. Damn, she was loud!
"Huh...thank you?" you stammered in confusion.
"My name is Elizabeth Midford, and you?"
"I am (Y/N) (L/N), it is an honor to meet Lord Phantomhive's fiancée" you said with a smile.

She smiled at you before turning to the twitching boy behind her. She took his hands.

"Wear the clothes I picked for you, Ciel! I think it'll definitely be cuuuute!"
"Hey, who said it was fine...!" Ciel tried to reason with her.
"Dancing with Ciel in the clothes I picked for him, it's like a dream! I will have to dress stylishly with all my might too!"
"Listen to... what?! Elizabeth?! Hey! Listen to what people are saying!!"
"And you're coming too!" she said while taking your hand in hers, a devilish glance in her eyes.
"What?! Wait! I'm completely fine with what I'm wearing now!" you tried to say but she didn't listen to you.

She brought you with her while talking nonsense. You struggled but hell! She was strong when she was determined! You sighed, letting her drag you in a room. An hour after, she finally chose a beautiful dress for you: Black and Purple. After you were dressed, she dragged you once more into the ballroom.

"You look perfect!" she told you with smile.
"Thank you, Elizabeth!" you said while readjusting your dress. You weren't used to it but you are sure you'll get used to it in time.
"Call me Lizzy! You know, I think blue will definitely suit Ciel" she said while the maid, named Mey-Rin, adjusted her dress. "When I saw the clothes I bought for Ciel in London, I fell in love instantly!"

You left her alone with the maid, not listening to her. You were a little tired and since you arrived at this manor, you had a strange feeling, like something was burning you from the inside. Walking away to look around the manor, you bumped into a firm chest. You looked up to see Sebastian, smiling down at you.

"Oh! Sebastian! My apologies for bumping into you" you said with a blush on your face.
"It's fine, my lady. You are truly beautiful in the dress that Miss Elizabeth choose for you..."
"T-thank you" you stammered, looking everywhere but his eyes.

He chuckled at your blush and Ciel came down from the stairs, walking to Elizabeth. Well, more Elizabeth running and spinning him around. Then, Elizabeth stopped, looking at Ciel's hand. She frowned before saying something you didn't quite catch. She fell, a second after, on her knees, crying crocodile tears. Finally, she stood up, taking something from Ciel before showing it to him.

"I took it! This ring is super old! The size of the one I chose is better, too..."she said while observing the ring. Wait, everything for a simple ring?
"Give it back!" yelled Ciel in a stern voice.

Everyone in the room stared at him with shock, you weren't an exception. You didn't know the Earl very well, but something told you that this ring is very precious to him. When you stared in his only eye, chills ran down on your back. It was so cold, so...emotionless.

"Give that back, Elizabeth" said Ciel, a hand extended.
"Wh...why are you so mad? I worked so hard" she said.

She was about to cry.

"I just made you cute! So why are you so mad?! You're terrible!" she said, a hand above her head. "This ring...I hate it!" she yelled before throwing it on the ground, breaking it in pieces.

It was like the world stopped for a moment. Ciel's one visible eye went wide and he rushed to Elizabeth. Before he could hit her with the palm of his hand, Sebastian stopped him.

"Young master" he said. "You've forgotten your long-awaited new cane."

Ciel started to pant a little. Looking at the ring on the floor, his anger disappeared suddenly. Sebastian bowed to Elizabeth.

"You have my deepest apologies, Miss Elizabeth" said Sebastian while Lizzy hiccupped. It has been passed down though the Phantomhive family for generations. There was only one in the world.
"Eh?! That sort of.....Ciel" she muttered.

Ciel took the ring from the floor before throwing it out of a window. You rushed to the window, shocked by the action.

"Wh...Ciel?! What are you doing?"
"I don't care...about that thing. It's just an old ring...This ring is proof that...the head of the Phantomhive house is 'Ciel Phantomhive'" he said softly.

Ciel sighed before approaching the crying Lizzy. He took a handkerchief, wiping the tears from Lizzy's face.

"It's a terrible face. And you call yourself a lady. I wouldn't want to invite a lady with a face like that to a dance, would I?" Lizzy sniffed, looking at him with wide eyes. "Let's forget those bad things and dance until dawn with evening party etiquette, shall we? M'Lady?"

She giggled before taking his hand. They started to dance together and you smiled at the sight. They were so cute together. Then, Sebastian started to play a violin and you were mesmerized throughout the evening. When the dance stopped and Lizzy went to her assigned room for the night. Ciel came to you.

"Follow me, (Y/N)" he simply said, walking to his office.

You followed him, Sebastian just behind you.

"Now, (Y/N)" he said while sitting on his chair. "There was another letter with the one I received but it said that I should wait you before I open it..."

He nodded his head and took a letter from his desk. He opened it and started reading it. After a moment, his eyes went wide and his face looked pale. He slowly stared at you, the same expression all the while.

"What?" you said blankly.
"Uh, w-well" he stammered. "It's interesting!" he said with a nervous smile.
"Can I see it?" you asked, moving your hand to take the letter, but Ciel didn't let you.
"No!" he said brusquely.
"Why?" you asked, a frown on your face.
" resume, it said that you are now...a fiancée since you walked in the manor" he said.

You were silent for a moment, thinking about what he said. When it clicked, you jumped from your chair.

"WHAT????!!!!!! FIANCÉE? TO WHO?!" you quickly yelled.

Ciel gave the letter to Sebastian, who had a big smirk on his face. He read it aloud, without trouble:

"(Y/N) (L/N) will be married to Sebastian Michaelis" he said with a smug smile.
"....really?" you said with a dumbfounded expression.
"I think I will leave you two alone now" said Ciel while quickly walking out of the room.

When he closed the door, you turned to Sebastian nervously. He had a dark, sensual smirk on his face which caused chills to run down your spine. Never had a man stared at you like that. He approached slowly and you fell back on the chair. He put each hand on the arms of the chair, moving his face closer to yours.

"Married to me?" he hummed to you, his eyes turning black. "I think I will enjoy this" he said while empathizing the ''this''.

You didn't say anything seeing as you fainted right on the spot at that moment. He chuckled before taking your form, putting his forehead to yours, a small smile on his lips.

"Poor little thing...Married to a demon" he said with a dark smile.

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