Chapter 3

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"God Dammit!...Huh, I mean "dammit" you said with a sweat drop, trying to reach the platters on the highest shelf (cause Ciel was evil!).

Since Ciel told you that Sebastian was a demon, you were more paranoid then before, thanks to him. Knowing that you wereto be married to a demon for an unknown reason, you could not sleep peacefully and you would certainly take years before being able to sleep peacefully. You scowled to yourself, thinking about the consequences of having a husband who was a creature of Hell. Shaking this thought away, you held a hand to the platters.

"Can someone explain to me why he needs the plates that are on the top, and I said the top, SHELF?!" you cried.

You pouted before getting back down. You started to scratch your head, thinking of a way to get the plates down. You sighed before you stood once again on the ladder. At the same moment, when you were about to take the plates (finally), Mey-Rin appeared, running toward you.

"Miss (Y/N)!" she yelled at you. "AHHHHHH!!!!!"

She fell on the floor, pushing the ladder you were on. You cried before you started to fall. At the last moment, you felt arms embracing you and you looked up to see Sebastian, a smirk on his face. You let out a sigh of relief before smiling at him. That's when you realized the position you were in with him. He was above you, you under him between his legs (sounds wrong) his arms encircling you. You let out a scream before struggling out of his grip. He let out a chuckle, releasing you.

"Hands off!" you yelled at him.
"I just saved your life and this is how you thank me?" he asked with a brow raised.
"I-huh....Well, thank you...."
"No problem my should get back to work, master need his tea" he said with a smile.
"Yeah, yeah...I will bring his tea..."

You took the cart with the tea set on it. You started to walk to his office, adding to yourself at the same time, which Sebastian heard and he tried to stifle a laugh:

"I'm definitely going to smack him in the face, making him bleed for trying to kill me! Jiang, come!" you told your red panda.

The little red panda came to you happily, jumping on your shoulder. Sebastian shook his head, clearly intrigued by his fiancée. He turned to the poor Mey-Rin on the floor, sighing deeply and helping her to get back on her feet. Finally, when you arrived to the young master's office, you knocked on the door, earning a "come in" from Ciel. You opened the door, bringing the tea to Ciel. While you served the tea, you noticed a pile of letters on the desk. You gave the young master his tea, who sipped it in silence. Sebastian entered the office shortly after.

"Master, the carriage is ready" he said with a bow.
"Excuse me for asking, young master, but where are you going?" you asked.
"I just received a letter, asking me to make an appearance at my other mansion..."
"Master, may I speak to you?" asked Sebastian, approaching his master, whispering some words into his ear. After a while, Ciel nodded his head.
"(Y/N), you shall accompany us as well..."
"Really?! How come?"
"Because", Ciel stated simply with a small smirk.

You growled, crossing your arms before going to your room. Putting your things in a suitcase, you were about to stand up to finish your chores, when two strong hands dropped onto your shoulders, pushing you down onto the floor. You stifled a cry before looking at your assailant out the corner of your eyes. He bent down, whispering in your ear with a husky voice:

"I couldn't leave you alone...being away from you...this thought drives me insane..."
"S-Sebastian?" you said, unsure.

He turned you so you were now on your back. He put a hand next to your head, bending down so that his face was an inch above your face, his other hand caressing your cheek. His black hair were shading his eyes, a dark look on his face. He smirked at you, his eyes flashing demonic. You started to shake furiously, not liking this side of him.

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