Chapter 8

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You continued to run, not caring if you were panting or tired. You just wanted to be away from this place. Arriving in the streets of London, you leaned against a wall, tears flooding your face like a waterfall. You were angry and tired of all of this. Why? Why you? You didn't want all of this, you just wanted to be normal, have a normal life. You thought that when you were older, you would have found a good place to work, had children and had a peaceful life, but noooooo....

You were trapped with a demon who freaking killed your parents. You dried your tears, a frown replacing your sad state. If he thought that you would come back, he was certainly mistaken! You would return to Japan, calling off the marriage, whether he likes it or not.  You will not spendyour life with him. You crouched down, hugging your knees to warm yourself. Before taking the path again, you needed to sleep. You needed it terribly.


When you ran away, your grandmother was in a state of panic. She was walking around the room, trying to find a way to bring you back home. She ruffled her hair, growling.

"Why did I tell her?!" she yelled.

Groaning, she let herself falls on the sofa, passing a tired hand over her forehead. Now, she was feeling more guilty after telling you.

It had been four days. Four days since you had disappeared. You didn't know if Sebastian and Ciel had realized it, but you didn't care anymore. Standing next to a crowd of people, you observed the big boat in front of you. They told you that the boat could take you to a certain port you knew in Japan. Sighing slightly, you took your luggage with your new clothes that you had bought. It was a good thing that you had your wallet with you in your servant uniform. It was pure luck.  Continuing on, you felt empty, for an unknown reason and this sentiment continued to grow all the while the boat was far away from London.


Ciel and Sebastian finally arrived at the manor, after the dangerous adventure with the circus. Ciel sighed before making his way to the entrance. That's when he saw (Y/N)'s Grandma running to him in a panicked state.

"Earl! Earl!" she cried.
"Grandma (L/N)?! What's going on?" Ciel asked.
"It's terrible!"
"Please calm down and come with me into the salon" Ciel said while taking the shaky hand of Grandma.

After sitting in front of each other, Sebastian's eyes looked around, trying to find (Y/N) but she was nowhere to be see. Sebastian started to frown, turning to Grandma.

"Where is (Y/N)?" Sebastian asked slowly.
" the problem" muttered Grandma. "She ran away..."
"What?!" Sebastian and Ciel cried in unison.

Sebastian quickly rushed to Grandma, taking her by the neck. He lifted her high in the air, a scowl on his features.

"Where. is. she?" he said darkly, his eyes flashing demonic.
"She r-ran away after I t-told her the t-truth" Ayame panted.
"Which one?!" Sebastian snarled, not liking what he was hearing.
" killing her parents" she said.
"Idiot! It was my responsibility to tell her! She doesn't know the full story!"
"W-what do you m-mean?"
"You didn't know your own daughter....What she could have done to (Y/N) if I didn't stop her! Her husband was no better! Yes, they were perfect with each other for a reason...I'm not in a better position but they were a nasty couple..."

Granny stared at him with confusion. What did he mean by that? Then, he let her go, falling on his knees and for the first time, Ciel saw the tears of his butler falling on the ground. His eyes growing wide. Sebastian, crying? The world was coming to an end. Ciel could see the dark aura of Sebastian growing bigger and bigger each seconds.

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